Zeitschriftenartikel (1743)

Contrattazione "politica" e consultazione dei lavoratori. In: Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale 9(1), 2008, 125–135.
Baccaro, Lucio, Konstantinos Papadakis
I problemi della governance partecipativo-deliberativa. In: Stato e Mercato, 3, 2008, 475–503.
Baccaro, Lucio, Marco Simoni
Policy Concertation in Europe: Understanding Government Choice. In: Comparative Political Studies 41(10), 2008, 1323–1348.
The Road Not Taken: ’The Moral Dimension’ and the New Economic Sociology (Discussion Forum: Amitai Etzioni - Twenty Years of ’The Moral Dimension: Toward a New Economics’). In: Socio-Economic Review 6(1), 2008, 135–142.
Why Is the Estate Tax so Controversial?. In: Society 45(6), 2008, 521–528.
Introduction: How History Matters. In: Socio-Economic Review 6(3), 2008, 515–516.
Wer spielt Lotto? Umverteilungswirkungen und sozialstrukturelle Inzidenz staatlicher Lotteriemärkte. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 60(2), 2008, 233–264.
Die Verteilungswirkungen des Lottos in Deutschland. In: Zeitschrift für Wett- und Glücksspielrecht 3(5), 2008, 315–323.
Beckert, Jens, Jörg Rössel
Confused Consumers?. In: Art Value 2(3), 2008, 36–39.
Boyer, Robert, Ralph J. Greenspan, Renate Mayntz, Helga Nowotny, Didier Sornette
On Rogers Hollingsworth and Karl H. Müller "Transforming Socio-Economics with a New Epistemology", "Socio-Economic Review", 6 (2008), 395-426: Discussion Forum. In: Socio-Economic Review 6(4), 2008, 750–754.
Legislative Politics in Germany: Some Lessons and Challenges. In: German Politics 17(3), 2008, 381–392.
Breunig, Christian, Adam Luedtke
What Motivates the Gatekeepers? Explaining Governing Party Preferences on Immigration. In: Governance 21(1), 2008, 123–146.
Burkhart, Simone, Matthias Lehnert
Between Consensus and Conflict: Law-Making Processes in Germany. In: German Politics 17(3), 2008, 223–231.
A More Efficient and Accountable Federalism? An Analysis of the Consequences of Germany’s 2006 Constitutional Reform. In: German Politics 17(4), 2008, 522–540.
Burroni, Luigi, Colin Crouch
The Territorial Governance of the Shadow Economy. In: Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 26(2), 2008, 455–470.
Burroni, Luigi, Colin Crouch, Monika Ewa Kaminska, Andrea Valzania
Local Economic Governance in Hard Times: The Shadow Economy and the Textile and Clothing Industries around Łódź and Naples. In: Socio-Economic Review 6(3), 2008, 473–492.
Bildung und die "neue" Sozialdemokratie: Eine Analyse aus der Sicht der vergleichenden Staatsausgabenforschung. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49(2), 2008, 283–308.
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Education and Other Types of Spending. In: Swiss Political Science Review 14(3), 2008, 451–481.
Busemeyer, Marius R., Christian Kellermann, Alexander Petring, Andrej Stuchlík
Perspectives on the European Economic and Social Model: Distributional and Institutional Conflicts. In: International Journal of Public Policy 3, 1/2, 2008, 39–57.
Busemeyer, Marius R., Christian Kellermann, Alexander Petring, Andrej Stuchlík
Overstretching Solidarity? Trade Unions' National Perspectives on the European Economic and Social Model. In: Transfer 14(3), 2008, 435–452.
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