Thesis - PhD (109)

Thesis - PhD
The Scientization of Central Banks (Cumulative Thesis). PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2024.
Thesis - PhD
Imaginaries of Freedom: How Imagined Futures Shaped South Africa’s Transition from Apartheid, 1976-1996. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2024.
Thesis - PhD
Schule und Schulleitung in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zum schulischen Umgang mit migrationsbedingter Diversität. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2024.
Thesis - PhD
Keeping a Job: Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Temporary and Non-Regular Employment in Germany. PhD Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg 2023.
Thesis - PhD
Linking Wealth and Power: Unity and Political Action of the World’s Wealthiest Capitalist Families and the Corporate Elite (Cumulative Thesis). PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2023.
Thesis - PhD
Making Mobility a Market: An Economic Sociology of Migration Brokerage. PhD Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2023.
Thesis - PhD
The Politics of Budgetary Constraints: An Ideational Explanation for the Variation in National Fiscal Frameworks in the Eurozone. PhD Thesis, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, Paris 2023.
Thesis - PhD
Piercing the Fog: Transcalar Social Mobilization around Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Mozambique. PhD Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2023.
Thesis - PhD
Business Power in Digital Capitalism (Cumulative Thesis). PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2023.
Thesis - PhD
Politische Konditionalitäten in der EU: Vom Aufstieg neuer Governance-Instrumente in den Europäischen Struktur- und Investitionsfonds. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2022.
Thesis - PhD
The Diffusion, Survival and Legacy of Medieval Consecrated Life: The Sociology of Historical Religious Communities in Europe. PhD Thesis, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal 2022.
Thesis - PhD
Gendered Influences on Labor Policies in Turkey. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2021.
Thesis - PhD
Re-Encountering Climate Change: Indigenous Peoples and the Quest for Epistemic Diversity in Global Climate Change Governance. PhD Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2021.
Thesis - PhD
"Doing the Game": The Moral Economy of Coming to Europe. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2021.
Thesis - PhD
Food, Classed? Social Inequality and Diet: Understanding Stratified Meat Consumption Patterns in Germany. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2020.
Thesis - PhD
Women's Political Representation in East-European Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Countries: Macro- and Micro-Level Analysis of the Factors of Election to the National and Regional Legislatures. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Thesis - PhD
Vom Verbände- zum Beraterstaat? Unternehmensberater in der öffentlichen Verwaltung der Bundesrepublik, 1945 bis 2003. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Thesis - PhD
Working Fictions of Money: The Making of Currency (Dis)Trust in Argentina (1880-2020). PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Thesis - PhD
Clientelism and Dominance: Evidence from Turkey. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2019.
Thesis - PhD
Together We Rule, Divided We Stand: Public Employers as Semisovereign State Actors and the Political Economy of Public Sector Wage Restraint in Germany. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2019.
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