Publications of Matías Dewey

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Sociología Económica y enraizamiento: ¿Cómo conceptualizar la acción económica?. In: Papeles de Trabajo 11(20), 2017, 15–38.
Journal Article
La demanda de productos ilegales: Elementos para explicar los intercambios ilegales desde la perspectiva de la sociología económica. In: Papeles de Trabajo 11(20), 2017, 35–58.
Journal Article
Dewey, Matías, Daniel Pedro Míguez
Translating Institutional Templates: A Historical Account of the Consequences of Importing Policing Models into Argentina. In: Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, 25, 2017, 183–193.
Journal Article
Dewey, Matías, Daniel Pedro Míguez, Marcelo Fabián Saín
The Strength of Collusion: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Hybrid Social Orders. In: Current Sociology 65(3), 2017, 395–410.
Journal Article
Hope in the Sweatshops of Buenos Aires. In: Contexts 16(3), 2017, 48–55.
Journal Article
El Leviatán híbrido: Las fuentes de poder policial en el Conurbano Bonaerense. In: Miríada 5(9), 2013, 67–88.
Journal Article
Illegal Police Protection and the Market for Stolen Vehicles in Buenos Aires. In: Journal of Latin American Studies 44(4), 2012, 679–702.
Journal Article
The Making of Hybrid Stateness: Sources of Police Performance in the Conurbano. In: Revista de Ciencia Política 32(3), 2012, 659–672.

Working Paper (4)

Working Paper
The Conditions of Socioeconomic Development: Exploring the Legitimacy of Social Norms, Trust, and Corruption in Chile and Argentina. MPIfG Discussion Paper 18/9. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2018.
Working Paper
Porous Borders: The Study of Illegal Markets from a Sociological Perspective. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/2. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Working Paper
Taxing the Shadow: The Political Economy of Sweatshops in La Salada, Argentina. MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/18. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2014.
Working Paper
Crisis and the Emergence of Illicit Markets: A Pragmatist View on Economic Action outside the Law. MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/6. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2014.

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (1)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
The Characteristics of Illegal Markets. In: Henry N. Pontell (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Criminology and Criminal Justice. February 2019.

Contribution to a Handbook (2)

Contribution to a Handbook
Informelle Institutionen, Staatlichkeit und Illegalität in Lateinamerika. In: Günther Maihold, Hartmut Sangmeister, Nikolaus Werz (eds.), Lateinamerika: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019, 527–534.
Contribution to a Handbook
State Power and Crime. In: The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology. Los Angeles: Sage, 2018, 699–714.

Issue (1)

Dewey, Matías, Kedron Thomas (eds.)
Futurity Beyond the State: Illegal Markets and Imagined Futures in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, Volume 64(4). 2022.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
[Book Review] Henig, David; Makovicky, Nicolette (eds.): Economies of Favour after Socialism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 20(2), 2019, 41–42.

Newspaper Article (1)

Newspaper Article
Zona liberada. In: Le Monde Diplomatique (Spanish), 195, 2015, 8.

Blog Post (1)

Blog Post
Legal Rights Are Not All Right: When Morality and the Law Collide. In: OUP Blog, 2018.

Other (1)

Dewey, Matías, Daniel Pedro Miguez, Marcelo Fabián Saín (eds.)
[Special Section] Clusters of Order: Society, State and Illegal Markets Organizers. In: Current Sociology 65(3), 2017, 395–465.
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