Publications of Colin Crouch

Contribution to a Collected edition (111)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Typologies of Capitalism. In: Jens Borchert, Stephan Lessenich (eds.), Der Vergleich in den Sozialwissenschaften: Staat - Kapitalismus - Demokratie. Campus Reader. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2012, 477–498.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, Colin, Maarten Keune
The Governance of Economic Uncertainty: Beyond the "New Social Risks" Analysis. In: Giuliano Bonoli, David Natali (eds.), The Politics of the New Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 45–67.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Postdemokratie und die Krise des "privatisierten Keynesianismus". In: Berthold Huber (ed.), Kurswechsel für Deutschland: Die Lehren aus der Krise. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2010, 114–129.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Complementarity. In: Glenn Morgan, John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, Richard Whitley (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 117–137.
Contribution to a Collected edition
The Global Firm: The Problem of the Giant Firm in Democratic Capitalism. In: David Coen, Wyn Grant, Graham Wilson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 148–172.
Contribution to a Collected edition
CSR and Changing Modes of Governance: Towards Corporate "Noblesse Oblige"?. In: Peter Utting, José Carlos Marques, Research Institute for Social Development (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance: Towards Inclusive Development? International Political Economy Series. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 26–49.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Postdemokratie und die Krise des "privatisierten Keynesianismus". In: Hans-Georg Soeffner, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie ; Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie <34, 2008, Jena> (eds.), , Unsichere Zeiten ; 2. Verhandlungen des Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010, 863–871.
Contribution to a Collected edition
British Industrial Relations: Between Security and Flexibility. In: Trevor Colling, Michael Terry (eds.), Industrial Relations. Chichester: Wiley, 2010, 29–53.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Morgan, Glenn, John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, Richard Whitley
Introduction. In: Glenn Morgan, John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, Richard Whitley (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 1–11.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Typologies of Capitalism. In: Bob Hancké (ed.), Debating Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 75–94.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Marketization. In: Matthew Flinders, Andrew Gamble, Colin Hay, Michael Kenny (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of British Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 879–895.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, Colin, Maarten Keune, Pernilla S. Rafiqui, Örjan Sjöberg, András Tóth
Three Cases of Changing Capitalism: Sweden, Hungary, and the United Kingdom. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 43–69.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Conclusions: Local and Global Sources of Capitalist Diversity. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 169–188.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Introduction: Local and Sectoral Diversity within National Economic Systems. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 1–21.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Creative Local Development in Cologne and London Film and TV Production. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 139–168.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Keune, Maarten, Geny Piotty, András Tóth, Colin Crouch
Testing the West German Model in East Germany and Hungary: The Motor Industry in Zwickau and Györ. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 91–120.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rafiqui, Pernilla S., Martin Georg Schröder, Örjan Sjöberg, Helmut Voelzkow, Colin Crouch
The Furniture Industry in Ostwestfalen-Lippe and Southern Sweden. In: Colin Crouch, Helmut Voelzkow (eds.), Innovation in Local Economies: Germany in Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 70–90.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Kommerzialisierung oder Staatsbürgerschaft: Bildungspolitik und die Zukunft des öffentlichen Dienstes. In: Jürgen Mackert, Hans-Peter Müller (eds.), Moderne (Staats)Bürgerschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2007, 167–212.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Social Change. In: Colin Hay, Anand Menon (eds.), European Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, 218–236.
Contribution to a Collected edition
New Labour and the Problem of Democracy. In: Gerry Hassan (ed.), After Blair. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2007, 47–59.
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