Publications of Cornelia Woll

Working Paper (10)

Working Paper
The Difficult Organization of Business Interests: MEDEF and the Political Representation of French Firms. MPIfG Discussion Paper 05/12. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2005.
Working Paper
Learning to Act on World Trade: Preference Formation of Large Firms in the United States and the European Union. MPIfG Discussion Paper 05/1. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2005.
Working Paper
Transatlantic Relations as a Catalyst to European Integration: European Commission Activism in International Aviation. AICGS/DAAD Working Paper SeriesWashington, D.C.: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, 2003.

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
The Politics of Trade Preferences: Business Lobbying on Service Trade in the United States and the European Union. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne 2004.

Issue (3)

Governing Finance. Cogito. December 18, 2019.
Gouverner la finance. Cogito. November 15, 2019.
Clift, Ben, Cornelia Woll (eds.)
Economic Patriotism: Political Intervention in Open Economies. Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 19(3). Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2012.

Book Review (2)

Book Review
[Book Review] Riello, Giorgio: Cotton: The Fabric that Made the Modern World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). In: Review of International Political Economy 21(5), 2014, 1133–1135.
Book Review
[Critique de livre] Représentation, contrôle et légitimité démocratique dans l’Europe des vingt-cinq. In: Revue Française de Sciences Politiques 54(6), 2004, 1032–1035.

Newspaper Article (1)

Newspaper Article
Finanzunternehmen zwischen Recht und Staat. In: Börsen-Zeitung, 184, 25.9.2019, September 25, 2019, 4.

Interview (3)

Bailing Out Banks Is Not a Lucrative Business: Interview Henry Farrell / Cornelia Woll. In: Washington Post Blog Monkey Cage. Washington, June 24, 2014.
Das Beste aus vielen Welten: MaxPo verknüpft europäische und US-amerikanische Forschung: Interview Cornelia Woll / Marion Fourcade. In: MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society (ed.), MPIfG Jahrbuch 2013–2014. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2013, 7–15.
Das Beste aus vielen Welten: MaxPo verzahnt globale und europäische Forschung: Interview Ursula Trappe / Marion Fourcade, Cornelia Woll. In: MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society (ed.), Gesellschaftsforschung, 2, 2012, 15–18.

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Firm Interests in Uncertain Times: Business Lobbying in Multilateral Service Liberalization. In: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (APSA 2008), Panel 11-36: Business-Government Relations in the Global Economy. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (APSA 2008), Panel 11-36: Business-Government Relations in the Global Economy, Boston, 08/27/2008. 2008.
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