New MPIfG Partner Group on Green Growth Founded in Chile
The MPIfG and the Faculty of Social Sciences and History of Diego Portales University (UDP) in Santiago de Chile have recently set up a new international Max Planck Partner Group. Led by Aldo Madariaga, Assistant Professor in the UDP’s School of Political Science, the Group will begin its work in September of this year. Its research will focus on the extent to which the green economy and associated ecological transformation can drive economic growth in emerging markets, and on the political background to green growth and stagnation processes. The Partner Group has set itself two fundamental goals: to encourage case studies and comparative research centering on Chile and Latin America in these fields, and to build a community of researchers that will also engage with the MPIfG research agenda in joint publications and academic exchange. Through its Partner Groups, the Max Planck Society (MPG) supports outstanding early-career researchers from its institutes who are returning to their countries of origin, and works with countries interested in strengthening their research through international cooperation. Aldo Madariaga was a doctoral researcher at the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) between 2011 and 2015.