
Academic Freedom in Polarized Times
November 21 + 22, 2024 | The contributions to the 17th Annual Colloquium of the MPIfG will explore academic freedom and the challenges it faces in contemporary times. What tensions exist for institutions and those who work in them? What role can science play in increasingly polarized public debates? And what are the implications of these developments for the future of research in Germany? We invite experts, stakeholders, and members of the public to discuss these questions with us. The exact program will be published in September.
MPIfG Discussion Paper | The Greek Tragedy: Narratives and Imagined Futures in the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis
Jens Beckert and Lukas Arndt investigate the influence of negative narratives about the future on the Greek sovereign debt crisis. Based on sentiments and a machine learning model for predicting future reference, they identify newspaper articles which generate negative and uncertain outlooks for the future in the expert discourse. Their findings provide good evidence for the relevance of “imagined futures” for investors’ behavior, and give directions for an innovative contribution of sociology to understanding the microfoundations of financial crises.
MPIfG Podcast: “Building State Power through Border Control and Immigration Enforcement” by Kimberly Morgan
In her talk, Kimberly Morgen discusses the extensive buildup of border policing and immigration enforcement in the United States since the start of the 2000s as an example of state expansion. She analyzes how and why governing power has been mobilized and deployed in this way, and what larger ramifications this has for how we theorize and study states.


Verkaufte Zukunft: Warum der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu scheitern droht
Wege aus dem Kapitalismus? Autorengespräche mit Colin Crouch, Nancy Fraser, Claus Offe, Wolfgang Streeck und Joseph Vogl
Austerity from the Left: Social Democratic Parties in the Shadow of the Great Recession
Dealing in Uncertainty: Insurance in the Age of Finance
The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism
Behördenconsulting: Unternehmensberater in der öffentlichen Verwaltung der Bundesrepublik, 1970er- bis 2000er-Jahre
Capital Claims: Power and Global Finance
Democracy at Work: Contract, Status and Post-Industrial Justice
Architectures of Hope: Infrastructural Citizenship and Class Mobility in Brazil’s Public Housing
Der erschöpfte Staat: Eine andere Geschichte des Neoliberalismus
Diminishing Returns: The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation
Recoding Power: Tactics for Mobilizing Tech Workers
Zwischen Globalismus und Demokratie: Politische Ökonomie im ausgehenden Neoliberalismus
Critical Encounters: Capitalism, Democracy, Ideas
Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy
MPIfG Discussion Papers
MPIfG Discussion Papers present results from ongoing research and contribute to current scholarly and public debate. They are subject to internal peer review and published open access.
MPIfG Journal Articles
Articles by MPIfG researchers that have previously been published in peer-reviewed journals are published online in the MPIfG Journal Articles series.
Castanho Silva, Bruno, Danielle Pullan, Jens Wäckerle
Blending In or Standing Out? Gendered Political Communication in 24 Democracies. In: American Journal of Political Science, 2024.
Mexico’s Battle with Monopolies: Reputation-Based Autonomy and Self-Undermining Effects in Antitrust Enforcement. In: Socio-Economic Review, 2024.
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