Opportunities for Students

The MPIfG offers opportunities for students to be involved in its projects as student assistants. It also has a limited number of internship places to award each year. In both cases, applicants must have a strong interest in social science research, excellent grades, and the ability to work independently on a project.

Student/Research Assistants

If you are interested in working on projects that address central issues surrounding the study of societies, you can apply to be a student assistant in one of the research projects.

At the MPIfG you will be working at a leading, internationally oriented social science research institute in modern office space with an excellent infrastructure, access to the library resources, and the opportunity to participate in events at the Institute. Pay is in accordance with the Guidelines of the Wage Association of the German States (TdL) (in German) on the working conditions for student assistants.

We invite you to send your application, including a personal cover letter, your CV, and when you expect to finish your studies. Please state in your cover letter the types of tasks or project areas you are interested in and how many hours per week you would like to work.

Current Job Openings are displayed here. Please only apply online and upload your documents in a single PDF file. We regret that we cannot consider applications by post or email.


Speculative applications for an internship are welcome from students in economics or social sciences starting in the fifth semester of their BA or in any semester of their MA.

As an intern, you gain an insight into an ongoing research project and can participate in lectures and seminars as well as internal training opportunities offered at the Institute. A voluntary internship can be for up to a maximum of 12 weeks. If you are required to complete a mandatory internship as part of your degree, please let us know the length of the internship specified by your degree program. The MPIfG pays its interns 450 euros per month in accordance with the relevant guidelines ("Praktikantenrichtlinien Bund").

Please send your full application, including a cover letter, CV, copies of your transcripts and degree certificates, and a copy of a relevant sample of your work up to 10 pages in length (e.g., an excerpt from a seminar paper). In your letter of motivation, please state when you would like to complete the internship and which of the current research projects at the MPIfG you are particularly interested in. Research projects of the directors, emeriti, and dissertation projects are not available for internship purposes.

Current job openings are displayed here. Please only apply online and upload your documents in a single PDF file. We regret that we cannot consider applications by post or email.


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