Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Founded in 2002, the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies promotes the exchange of ideas between friends and former members of the MPIfG and provides opportunities for them to stay in contact with one another and with the Institute. The Society encourages and facilitates dialogue with interested social groups and helps to present the work of the MPIfG to the public.

The members of the Society contribute in many ways to the Institute's research. Through their membership, former researchers and service staff, doctoral students, and visiting researchers continue to support the MPIfG and its work long after their own time at the Institute.

Membership is open to individuals and organizations. The Society collects an annual subscription from its members and accepts donations.

Annual Colloquium
The work of the MPIfG builds a bridge between theory and policy by conducting knowledge-based, problem-oriented basic research on the self-organization and governance of modern societies. One of the main roles of the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG is to co-organize the Institute's Annual Colloquium. This two-day event is a platform for presenting the MPIfG's current research, a forum for discussion between researchers at the MPIfG and its alumni, as well as between the Institute and practitioners from politics, business, interest associations, and the media, and an excellent opportunity for more informal exchange. (Photo: Nina Poppe) more
You are welcome to join the Society. The annual subscription is 40 euros for individuals and 100 euros for organizations. For students and doctoral fellows, membership is free.
Subscriptions can be paid by bank transfer, direct debit from a German bank account, or PayPal ( more
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