Institute News

Kimberly Morgan | Building State Power through Border Control and Immigration Enforcement

We live in an age of migration, and of migration control. Global mobility and the political responses it has engendered have impelled governments in many countries to strengthen border policing and crack down on unauthorized migrants. These practices offer a vantage point for analyzing the development and operation of state power. In her talk, Kimberly Morgen will discuss the extensive buildup of border policing and immigration enforcement in the United States since the start of the 2000s as an example of state expansion. She will analyze how and why governing power has been mobilized and deployed in this way, and what larger ramifications this has for how we theorize and study states. more

Birthday Celebration at the MPIfG

A celebration in honor of Renate Mayntz’s 95th birthday in April this year was held at the MPIfG in Cologne and attended by current and former Institute employees, alumni, and associates. Joining the well-wishers in congratulating the MPIfG’s founding director, Jens Beckert, Wolfgang Streeck, and Rudolf Stichweh paid tribute in their speeches to the sociologist’s impressive body of work. more

Benjamin Braun Joins London School of Economics and Political Science

In September of this year, Benjamin Braun will take up a post as assistant professor of political economy at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. more

<span><span>Saila Stausholm Joins Copenhagen Business School</span></span>

After almost two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the MPIfG, Saila Stausholm is now returning to Copenhagen to join Copenhagen Business School (CBS). more

<span><span>New Visiting Researchers in Summer Semester 2024</span></span>

The MPIfG is welcoming five visiting researchers to the Institute in Cologne this summer. more

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Birthday Celebration at the MPIfG

A celebration in honor of Renate Mayntz’s 95th birthday in April this year was held at the MPIfG in Cologne and attended by current and former Institute employees, alumni, and associates. Joining the well-wishers in congratulating the MPIfG’s founding director, Jens Beckert, Wolfgang Streeck, and Rudolf Stichweh paid tribute in their speeches to the sociologist’s impressive body of work. more

Benjamin Braun Joins London School of Economics and Political Science

In September of this year, Benjamin Braun will take up a post as assistant professor of political economy at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. more

<span><span>Saila Stausholm Joins Copenhagen Business School</span></span>

After almost two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the MPIfG, Saila Stausholm is now returning to Copenhagen to join Copenhagen Business School (CBS). more

<span><span>New Visiting Researchers in Summer Semester 2024</span></span>

The MPIfG is welcoming five visiting researchers to the Institute in Cologne this summer. more

Second Research Network in Political Economy Workshop

The Research Network in Political Economy met at the beginning of May for its second workshop. Twenty researchers from Germany and the rest of Europe came to the MPIfG to present and discuss current political economy research. more

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Clientelism and Electoral Dominance in Turkey

Düzgün Arslantaş more

German voters and Eurobonds

Lucio Baccaro, Björn Bremer, Erik Neimanns more

Europe and Brexit: “Emphasize social and joint culture”

Lisa Suckert, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, plädiert für eine differenziertere Wahrnehmung der Brexit-Kampagne und der ökonomischen Identität Großbritanniens. Doch auch die EU sei gefragt: Sie müsse sich verändern, um die Bedürfnisse von Austrittsbefürwortern innerhalb der EU besser zu verstehen, gegenzusteuern und den europäischen Zusammenhalt zu stärken. more

“Keep the future open”

Seit jeher versuchen Menschen, die Zukunft vorherzusehen: aus Träumen, aus den Sternen oder mithilfe von Karten und Würfeln. Heute scheinen die Bedingungen für verlässliche Vorhersagen dank großer Datenbanken und computergestützter Auswertung besser denn je. Akos Rona-Tas warnt jedoch vor zu viel Vertrauen in die neuen Prognosetechniken. Der Soziologieprofessor an der University of California San Diego, der im Sommersemester 2018 Scholar in Residence am Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung in Köln war, befasst sich mit den Schattenseiten moderner Wahrsagung. more

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Kimberly Morgan | Building State Power through Border Control and Immigration Enforcement

We live in an age of migration, and of migration control. Global mobility and the political responses it has engendered have impelled governments in many countries to strengthen border policing and crack down on unauthorized migrants. These practices offer a vantage point for analyzing the development and operation of state power. In her talk, Kimberly Morgen will discuss the extensive buildup of border policing and immigration enforcement in the United States since the start of the 2000s as an example of state expansion. She will analyze how and why governing power has been mobilized and deployed in this way, and what larger ramifications this has for how we theorize and study states. more

Michael Wilkinson | The End of History and the Last European

In his talk, Michael A. Wilkinson reflects on postwar Europe from the perspective of the long durée of European constitutional history and the interwar breakdown of liberal democracy. He suggests that far from “revolutionary,” as it has been characterized, postwar European constitutionalism is better understood as elitist and even counter-revolutionary in trajectory. more

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Zsófia Barta | The Logic of Credit

Podcast January 10, 2024

The lecture will explain how rating agencies award sovereign ratings; why they impose penalties on certain political and policy choices; why they are in a position to interfere with politics and policy in the first place; and why it is unlikely that these unelected, unappointed, unaccountable profit-seeking institutions would be stripped of their power, which rivals that of institutions at the peak of global governance, like the IMF or the World Bank. more

Laura Seelkopf | The Politics of Climate Taxation

There is broad consensus about the need for an effective climate policy. Based on a series of survey experiments across the EU and in Germany, Laura Seelkopf discusses the drivers of support for (or opposition to) climate taxation. more

Dorothee Bohle | Under the Radar: Women in (Comparative) Political Economy

The talk takes builds on the opportunity offered by of the first Max Planck Summer School for Women in Political Economy to reflect on the place of women in the field of CPE. more

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