An Economic Sociology of Climate-Induced Human Mobility

Hannah Pool

Human mobility is a critical facet of climate change adaptation. The IPCC has recognized the impact of climate change on human mobility in migration, displacement, and planned relocation. However, establishing a straightforward causal link between climate impacts and mobility decisions by individuals, households, or communities is challenging. Human mobility decisions depend profoundly on social, economic, political, demographic, and developmental contexts. This research examines future scenarios within the spectrum of climate-induced human mobility among those anticipating future relocation, returning post-disaster, and deciding to remain in a place despite experienced or anticipated risks. Using a comparative framework informed by case studies from flooding in Germany’s Ahrtal region, planned relocation in Fiji, and drought responses in Kenya, it investigates how individuals, households, and communities integrate past experiences, present circumstances, and future prospects with their economic capabilities and acquired knowledge. The project further explores national strategies to prevent or facilitate the mobility of affected communities. Exploring these dynamics, it aims to understand how socioeconomic factors and environmental changes intersect to influence migration decisions and adaptive capacities.

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