“Global Governance” Is a Pipe Dream

11. Februar 2025

Jacobin, Ewald Engelen | Interview with Wolfgang Streeck

Wolfgang Streeck‘s new book Taking Back Control? States and State Systems After Globalism argues that the era of neoliberal hyperglobalization has ended and deconstructs the claim that global problems require global solutions. According to the MPIfG Emeritus Director, a much better way to address the problems of modernity is to redistribute power to member states. For him, this means disbanding the EU, undoing free trade treaties and the institutions of the liberal global order, and replacing them with voluntary associations related to different dimensions of socioeconomic life. In an interview with Ewald Engelen for Jacobin, Streeck holds this is the best way of creating a system that serves the needs of citizens rather than capital, and preventing climate disruptions in an effective and democratic way.
Read interview

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