Working Paper (61)

Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Forced Structural Convergence in the Eurozone – Or a Differentiated European Monetary Community. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/15 (2016), iv, 47 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: De-Constitutionalization and Majority Rule: A Democratic Vision for Europe. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/14 (2016), IV, 39 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: After the Crash: A Perspective on Multilevel European Democracy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/21 (2014), IV, 23 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: No Exit from the Euro-rescuing Trap? MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/4 (2014), IV, 19 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Political Legitimacy in a Non-optimal Currency Area. MPIfG Discussion Paper 13/15 (2013), IV, 32 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimacy Intermediation in the Multilevel European Polity and Its Collapse in the Euro Crisis. MPIfG Discussion Paper 12/6 (2012), IV, 36 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Monetary Union, Fiscal Crisis and the Preemption of Democracy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 11/11 (2011), IV, 41 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: The Double Asymmetry of European Integration, Or: Why the EU Cannot Be a Social Market Economy. MPIfG Working Paper 09/12 (2009), 38 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimacy in the Multilevel European Polity. MPIfG Working Paper 09/1 (2009), 37 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Reflections on Multilevel Legitimacy. MPIfG Working Paper 07/3 (2007), 18 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Nicht genutzte Chancen der Föderalismusreform. MPIfG Working Paper 06/2 (2006), 17 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Problem Solving Effectiveness and Democratic Accountability in the EU. Reihe Politikwissenschaft 107 (2006), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: No Exit from the Joint Decision Trap? Can German Federalism Reform Itself? MPIfG Working Paper 05/8 (2005), 28 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Recht und Politik in der Reform des deutschen Föderalismus. MPIfG Working Paper 05/6 (2005), 31 pp.
Working Paper
Mayntz, R.; Scharpf, F. W.: Politische Steuerung – heute? MPIfG Working Paper 05/1 (2005), 12 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: No Exit from the Joint Decision Trap? Can German Federalism Reform Itself? EUI working paper / RSCAS (2005), 22 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Legitimationskonzepte jenseits des Nationalstaats. MPIfG Working Paper 04/6 (2004), 35 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Der deutsche Föderalismus - reformbedürftig und reformierbar? MPIfG Working Paper 04/2 (2004), 10 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: Problem-Solving Effectiveness and Democratic Accountability in the EU. MPIfG Working Paper 03/1 (2003), 34 pp.
Working Paper
Scharpf, F. W.: The European Social Model: Coping with the Challenges of Diversity. MPIfG Working Paper 02/8 (2002), 25 pp.
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