Zeitschriftenartikel (77)

Meardi, Guglielmo, Arianna Tassinari
Crisis Corporatism 2.0? The Role of Social Dialogue in the Pandemic Crisis in Europe. In: Transfer 28(1), 2022, 83–100.
Preferences, Vote Choice, and the Politics of Social Investment: Addressing the Puzzle of Unequal Benefits of Childcare Provision. In: Journal of Social Policy 51(4), 2022, 945–964.
Making Mothers Stay at Home? Analyzing the Impact of Partisan Cueing on Attitudes Toward Maternal Employment. In: Social Politics 29(3), 2022, 831–855.
Pasqualini, Marta, Marta Dominguez Folgueras, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Ettore Recchi, Mirna Safi
Who Took Care of What? The Gender Division of Unpaid Work during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in France. In: Demographic Research 46, 2022, 1163–1186.
Pauw, W.P., L. Kempa, U. Moslener, C. Grüning, Ceren Çevik
A Focus on Market Imperfections Can Help Governments to Mobilize Private Investments in Adaptation. In: Climate and Development 14(1), 2022, 91–97.
PhD Stipends: A Thing of the Past?. In: Offspring Magazine, 2022, 3–9.
Rathgeb, Philip, Arianna Tassinari
How the Eurozone Disempowers Trade Unions: The Political Economy of Competitive Internal Devaluation. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(1), 2022, 323–350.
Discursive Multivocality: How the Proliferation of Economic Language Can Undermine the Political Influence of Economists. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(4), 2022, 1991–2015.
Rossignol-Brunet, Mathieu, Élise Tenret, Pauline Barraud de Lagerie, Marco Oberti, Yannick Savina
Reconfiguration du champ des formations en sciences humaines en Île-de-France: Le poids de la sélection. In: Éducation & Formations, 103, 2022, 136–155.
How Workers Mobilize in Financializing Firms: A Theory of Discursive Opportunism. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 60(1), 2022, 57–77.
Schürmann, Lena, Isabell Stamm, Katharina Scheidgen
Die Gegenwart der Krise als Erosion unternehmerischer Zukünfte: Eine Untersuchung der subjektiven Deutungs- und Bearbeitungsmuster Soloselbstständiger von der Corona-Pandemie. In: Arbeit 31(1-2), 2022, 77–94.
Sebők, Miklós, Jasper Simons
How Orbán Won? Neoliberal Disenchantment and the Grand Strategy of Financial Nationalism to Reconstruct Capitalism and Regain Autonomy. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(4), 2022, 1625–1651.
Stamm, Isabell, Marie Gutzeit
Group Conditions for Entrepreneurial Visions: Role Confidence, Hierarchical Congruences, and the Imagining of Future in Entrepreneurial Groups. In: Small Business Economics 59(3), 2022, 1023–1041.
Stamm, Isabell, Lena Schürmann, Katharina Scheidgen, Stefan Berwing, Arne Maibaum
Marktabhängigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für die Grenzziehungen von Solidarität. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 51(4), 2022, 365–384.
The EU After Ukraine. In: American Affairs 6(2), 2022, 107–124.
Eine Neuordnung der Zeit? Zum Verhältnis von Zeitlichkeit, Kapitalismus und Staat im Zeichen der Pandemie. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 32(1), 2022, 123–152.
Back to the Future: Sociological Perspectives on Expectations, Aspirations and Imagined Futures. In: European Journal of Sociology 63(3), 2022, 393–428.
Contested Futures: Reimagining Energy Infrastructures in the First Oil Crisis. In: Historical Social Research 47(4), 2022, 242–266.
Labour Market Policy in Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan: Same Old or a New Departure?. In: Contemporary Italian Politics 14(4), 2022, 441–457.
Power or Partisanship? Populist Parties in Power and Social Concertation: The Case of the Italian Yellow-Green Government, 2018-2019. In: Stato e Mercato, 2, 2022, 231–259.
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