Zeitschriftenartikel (1743)

Interests, Passions and Politics: Business Associations and the Sovereignty Dispute in Turkey. In: Economy and Society 46(2), 2017, 275–301.
Klein, Oliver, Nico Sonntag
Ethnische Unterschiede der Wirkung institutioneller U3-Kinderbetreuung. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 20(1), 2017, 41–60.
Mehr Kapitalismus wagen! Herrschaft "jenseits der Anarchie" und die Rolle des Geldes. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 58(2), 2017, 258–283.
Koddenbrock, Kai, Sophia Hoffmann
There is No Alternative: Der Aufstieg der humanitären Hilfe in der internationalen Politik. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 6(1), 2017, 73–106.
Kohl, Sebastian, Alexander Dobeson, Barbara Brandl
Varieties of Agrarian Capitalism: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Rural Economies. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 18(3), 2017, 19–31.
Korom, Philipp, Mark Lutter, Jens Beckert
The Enduring Importance of Family Wealth: Evidence from the Forbes 400, 1982 to 2013. In: Social Science Research 65, 2017, 75–95.
Koumakhov, Rouslan, Adel Daoud
Routine and Reflexivity: Simonian Cognitivism vs Practice Approach. In: Industrial and Corporate Change 26(4), 2017, 727–743.
Lambach, Daniel, Caroline Kärger, Achim Goerres
Inverting the Large Lecture Class: Active Learning in an Introductory International Relations Course. In: European Political Science 16(4), 2017, 553–569.
Zeitbögen, Neoliberalismus und das Ende des Westens, oder: Wie kann man die deutsche Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts schreiben?. In: Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte 65(2), 2017, 191–217.
Effectiveness of the European Semester: Explaining Domestic Consent and Contestation. In: Parliamentary Affairs 70(4), 2017, 691–709.
Governance Without Democracy? Analysing the Role of Parliaments in European Economic Governance after the Crisis: Introduction to the Special Issue. In: Parliamentary Affairs 70(4), 2017, 645–654.
Mechanisms of Neoliberal Resilience: Comparing Exchange Rates and Industrial Policy in Chile and Estonia. In: Socio-Economic Review 15(3), 2017, 637–660.
How Much Voice for Borrowers? Restricted Feedback and Recursivity in Microfinance. In: Global Policy 8(4), 2017, 540–552.
Recursivity by Organizational Design: The Case of the Forest Stewardship Council. In: Global Policy 8(3), 2017, 343–352.
Varieties of Recursivity in Transnational Governance. In: Global Policy 8(3), 2017, 333–342.
Handeln und Struktur, Akteur und System: Die kausale Rekonstruktion von sozialen Makrophänomenen am Beispiel der Finanzkrise. In: Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie 6(1), 2017, 5–26.
Menger, Pierre-Michel, Colin Marchika, Simon Paye, Yann Renisio, Pablo Zamith
La contribution des enseignants du secondaire à l’enseignement supérieur en France: Effectifs, affectations, carrières (1984-2014). In: Revue Française de Sociologie 58(4), 2017, 643–677.
Putting 'Merchants of Debt' in Their Place: The Political Economy of Retail Banking and Credit-Based Financialisation in Germany. In: New Political Economy 22(1), 2017, 12–30.
Borrowing for Social Security? Credit, Asset-Based Welfare and the Decline of the German Savings Regime. In: Journal of European Social Policy 27(5), 2017, 474–490.
Moen, Phyllis, Erin L. Kelly, Shi-Rong Lee, J.Michael Oakes, Wen Fan, Jeremy Bray, David Almeida, Leslie Hammer, David Hurtado, Orfeu Buxton
Can a Flexibility/Support Initiative Reduce Turnover Intentions and Exits? Results from the Work, Family, and Health Network. In: Social Problems 64(1), 2017, 53–85.
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