Zeitschriftenartikel (1743)

Channels for Workers' Voice in the Transnational Governance of Labour Rights?. In: Global Policy 8(4), 2017, 530–539.
Van Gunten, Tod S., John Levi Martin, Misha Teplitskiy
Consensus, Polarization, and Alignment in the Economics Profession. In: Sociological Science 3, 2016, 1028–1052.
US-Außenminister John Kerry und der Krieg: Essay über biographische Kontinuität und amerikanische Politik. Teil II: Kriegserfahrung und politisches Handeln 1985 – 2002. In: Zeitgeschichte-online, 2016.
US-Außenminister John Kerry und der Krieg: Ein Essay über biographische Kontinuität und amerikanische Politik. Teil I: John Kerry und der 22. April 1971. In: Zeitgeschichte-online, 2016.
Daoud, Adel, Björn Halleröd, Debarati Guha-Sapir
What Is the Association between Absolute Child Poverty, Poor Governance, and Natural Disasters? A Global Comparison of Some of the Realities of Climate Change. In: PLoS ONE 11(4), 2016.
Trajectories of Transnational Mobilization for Indigenous Rights in Brazil. In: Revista de Administração de Empresas 56(4), 2016, 380–394.
Salvati o affossati dall’Europa?. In: Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale 17(1), 2016, 19–42.
Baccaro, Lucio, André Bächtiger, Marion Deville
Small Differences that Matter: The Impact of Discussion Modalities on Deliberative Outcomes. In: British Journal of Political Science 46(3), 2016, 551–566.
Baccaro, Lucio, Rüya Gökhan Koçer, Jorge Galindo, Valeria Pulignano
Determinants of Indefinite Contracts in Europe: The Role of Unemployment. In: Comparative Sociology 15(6), 2016, 794–838.
Baccaro, Lucio, Jonas Pontusson
Rethinking Comparative Political Economy: The Growth Model Perspective. In: Politics & Society 44(2), 2016, 175–207.
Baudelot, Christian, Yvanie Caillé, Olivier Godechot, Sylvie Mercier
Maladies rénales et inégalités sociales d’accès à la greffe en France. In: Population-F 71(1), 2016, 23–51.
Baudelot, Christian, Yvanie Caillé, Olivier Godechot, Sylvie Mercier
Renal Diseases and Social Inequalities in Access to Transplantation in France. In: Population-E 71(1), 2016, 23–51.
Fictional Expectations and the Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 17(2), 2016, 39–45.
Zukunftspraktiken in Organisationen: Kommentar zum Beitrag von Koch/Krämer/Reckwitz/Wenzel „Zum Umgang mit Zukunft in Organisationen – eine praxistheoretische Perspektive“. In: Managementforschung 26(1), 2016, 185–190.
Liberalization Only at the Margins? Analysing the Growth of Temporary Work in German Core Manufacturing Sectors. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(3), 2016, 597–622.
From Performativity to Political Economy: Index Investing, ETFs and Asset Manager Capitalism. In: New Political Economy 21(3), 2016, 257–273.
Gross, Greed, and ETFs: The Case for a Microfounded Political Economy of the Investment Chain. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 17(3), 2016, 6–12.
Speaking to the People? Money, Trust, and Central Bank Legitimacy in the Age of Quantitative Easing. In: Review of International Political Economy 23(6), 2016, 1064–1092.
Tilted: The Familiar Axes of Politics Are Changing, with Momentous Consequences. In: Juncture 23(2), 2016, 93–101.
Neue Formen der Partizipation: Zivilgesellschaft, Rechtspopulismus und Postdemokratie. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 29(3), 2016, 143–153.
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