Zeitschriftenartikel (1743)

Beckert, Jens, Hartmut Berghoff
Risk and Uncertainty in Financial Markets: A Symposium. In: Socio-Economic Review 11(3), 2013, 497–499.
Beckert, Jens, Carsten Burhop
Einführung: Ursachen und Folgen ökonomischer Desintegration im 20. Jahrhundert. In: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 39(2), 2013, 143–152.
Why the Poor Play the Lottery: Sociological Approaches to Explaining Class-based Lottery Play. In: Sociology 47(6), 2013, 1152–1170.
Beckert, Jens, Jörg Rössel
The Price of Art: Uncertainty and Reputation in the Art Field. In: European Societies 15(2), 2013, 178–195.
In the Shadow: Illegal Markets and Economic Sociology. In: Socio-Economic Review 11(1), 2013, 5–30.
Bitterwolf, Sebastian, Martin Seeliger
"Über Bande gespielt": Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Strategien im Verhältnis von Betriebsräten, Arbeitgebern und Medienöffentlichkeit am Beispiel der Regulierung von Leiharbeit. In: Industrielle Beziehungen 20(1), 2013, 36–53.
Connell, David J., Christopher R. Bryant, Wayne J. Caldwell, Arthur Churchyard, Greg Cameron, Tom Johnston, Matias Margulis, Doug Ramsey, Claude Marois
Food Sovereignty and Agricultural Land Use Planning: The Need to Integrate Public Priorities Across Jurisdictions. In: Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 3(4), 2013, 117–124.
El Leviatán híbrido: Las fuentes de poder policial en el Conurbano Bonaerense. In: Miríada 5(9), 2013, 67–88.
Dietrich, Marc, Martin Seeliger
Gangsta-Rap als ambivalente Subjektkultur. In: Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik 37(3-4), 2013, 113–135.
Framing Standards, Mobilizing Users: Copyright Versus Fair Use in Transnational Regulation. In: Review of International Political Economy 20(1), 2013, 52–88.
Fernández, Juan J., Mark Lutter
Supranational Cultural Norms, Domestic Value Orientations and the Diffusion of Same-sex Union Rights in Europe, 1988–2009. In: International Sociology 28(1), 2013, 102–120.
The Material and Symbolic Construction of the BRICs: Reflections Inspired by the RIPE Special Issue. In: Review of International Political Economy 20(2), 2013, 256–267.
Fourcade, Marion, Kieran Healy
Classification Situations: Life-Chances in the Neoliberal Era. In: Accounting, Organizations and Society 38(8), 2013, 559–572.
Fourcade, Marion, Rakesh Khurana
From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America. In: Theory and Society 42(2), 2013, 121–159.
Moral Categories in the Financial Crisis: Discussion Forum. In: Socio-Economic Review 11(3), 2013, 601–627.
The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Social Welfare Systems: A Comparison of France, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42(3), 2013, 495–516.
Le salaire dépend-il du sexe du supérieur ?. In: Économie et Statistique, 464-466, 2013, 73–96.
Financiarisation et fractures socio-spatiales. In: L'Année Sociologique 63(1), 2013, 17–50.
Unsecular Politics in a Secular Environment: The Case of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union Family Policy. In: German Politics 22(4), 2013, 441–460.
The Ordoliberalism that Never Was. In: Contemporary Political Theory 12(4), 2013, 349–358.
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