Rezension (234)

[Book Review] Who Is Watching the Shadow Banks? Thiemann, Matthias: The Growth of Shadow Banking: A Comparative Institutional Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). In: Books and Ideas, 2019.
[Critique de livre] Pinto, Louis: L’invention du consommateur: Sur la légitimité du marché (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2018). In: Sociologie du travail 61(2), 2019.
[Rezension] Bänziger, Peter-Paul; Suter, Mischa (eds.): Histories of Productivity: Genealogical Perspectives on the Body and Modern Economy (London: Routledge, 2016). In: H-Soz-Kult, 2019.
[Book Review] Greek to a Greek: Varoufakis, Yanis: Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment (London: Bodley Head, 2017). In: Inference 4(3), 2019.
[Recensione] Hirschmann, Albert: Lealtà, defezione, protesta: Rimedi alla crisi delle imprese, dei partiti e dello stato (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2017). In: MicroMega, 2, 2019, 73–79.
[Book Review] Henig, David; Makovicky, Nicolette (eds.): Economies of Favour after Socialism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 20(2), 2019, 41–42.
[Book Review] Iversen, Torben; Soskice, David: Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism Through a Turbulent Century (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019). In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21(1), 2019, 56–59.
[Book Review] The Unfeeling State: Eubanks, Virginia: Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2017). In: European Journal of Sociology 60(3), 2019, 401–405.
[Book Review] The Great Reaper: The Unique Equalizer? Scheidel, Walter: The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017). In: European Journal of Sociology 60(3), 2019, 510–516.
Godechot, Olivier, Patrick Emmenegger, Patrick Inglis
[Book Review] Harrington, Brooke: Capital without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016): Review Symposium. In: Socio-Economic Review 17(2), 2019, 461–470.
[Book Review] Computers Can’t Override America’s Antipathy Towards the Poor: Eubanks, Virginia: Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2018). In: European Journal of Sociology 60(3), 2019, 406–411.
[Book Review] The Politics of Neoliberalism (in Europe’s Periphery). In: Comparative European Politics 17(5), 2019, 797–811.
[Book Review] Ekland-Olson, Sheldon; Gibbs, Jack P.: Science and Sociology: Predictive Power Is the Name of the Game (New York: Routledge, 2018). In: Contemporary Sociology 48(4), 2019, 417–419.
[Book Review] Through Unending Halls: Freeman, Joshua: Behemoth: A History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World (New York: Norton, 2018). In: London Review of Books 41(3), 2019, 29–31.
[Book Review] Fighting the State: Slobodian, Quinn: Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018). In: Development and Change 50(3), 2019, 836–847.
[Recensione] Le doppie morali della crisi europea: Cesarotto, Sergio: Chi non rispetta le regole? Italia e Germania, le doppie morali dell'euro (Reggio Emilia: Imprimatur, 2018). In: Economia e Politica 10(16), 2018.
[Book Review] Everyone’s a Collector! Luc Boltanski, Arnaud Esquerre: Enrichissement: Une critique de la marchandise (Paris: Gallimard, 2017). In: Books & Ideas, 2018.
[Critique de livre] Tous collectionneurs! Boltanski, Luc; Esquerre, Arnaud: Enrichissement: Une critique de la marchandise (Paris: Gallimard, 2017). In: La vie des idées, 2018.
[Book Review] Economizing on Scientific Debate: Cahuc, Pierre; Zylberberg, André: Le négationnisme économique: Et comment s’en débarrasser (Paris: Flammarion, 2016). In: Books & Ideas, 2018.
[Book Review] Humans of the World Unite: Rosenboim, Or: The Emergence of Globalism Visions of World Order in Britain and the United States, 1939-1950 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017). In: The Political Quarterly 89(3), 2018, 512–514.
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