Journal Article (77)

Journal Article
Hadziabdic, Sinisa, Lorenzo Frangi
Rationalizing the Irrational: Making Sense of (In)consistency among Union Members and Non-Members. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 28(2), 2022, 147–174.
Journal Article
Is the Left Right? The Creeping Embourgeoisement of Social Democracy through Homeownership. In: European Journal of Political Research 61(4), 2022, 930–951.
Journal Article
Private Spanner in Public Works? The Corrosive Effects of Private Insurance on Public Life. In: British Journal of Sociology 73(4), 2022, 799–821.
Journal Article
Halawa, Mateusz, Fabio Parasecoli
Designing the Future of Polish Food: How Cosmopolitan Tastemakers Prototype a National Gastronomy. In: Gastronomica 22(3), 2022, 8–18.
Journal Article
Herrmann, Andrea M., Cornelia Storz, Lukas Held
Whom Do Nascent Ventures Search for? Resource Scarcity and Linkage Formation Activities during New Product Development Processes. In: Small Business Economics 58(1), 2022, 475–496.
Journal Article
Demokratie zwischen liberalem Globalismus und autoritärem Populismus. In: Merkur 76(872), 2022, 62–72.
Journal Article
Überdreht: Die Integration durch Recht. In: Merkur 76(875), 2022, 56–63.
Journal Article
Europa-Kolumne: Ein Lehrstück in europäischer Solidarität. In: Merkur 76(883), 2022, 63–70.
Journal Article
Höpner, Martin, Christine Haas
Ist der Unionsgesetzgeber an die Grundfreiheiten gebunden?. In: Europarecht 57(2), 2022, 165–189.
Journal Article
Independence without Purpose? Macroprudential Regulation at the Bundesbank. In: Economy and Society 51(4), 2022, 655–678.
Journal Article
Resilience in the City of London: The Fate of UK Financial Services after Brexit. In: New Political Economy 27(4), 2022, 610–628.
Journal Article
Kapelle, Nicole, Theresa Nutz, Daria Tisch, Manuel Schechtl, Philipp M. Lersch, Emanuela Struffolino
My Wealth, (Y)Our Life Satisfaction? Sole and Joint Wealth Ownership and Life Satisfaction in Marriage. In: European Journal of Population 38(4), 2022, 811–834.
Journal Article
Koddenbrock, Kai, Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven, Ndongo Samba Sylla
Beyond Financialisation: The "longue durée" of Finance and Production in the Global South. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics 46(4), 2022, 703–733.
Journal Article
The Great De-Mortgaging: The Retreat of Life Insurances From Housing Finance in US-German Historical Perspective. In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 63(1), 2022, 199–231.
Journal Article
Kohl, Sebastian, Alexander Spielau
Centring Construction in the Political Economy of Housing: Variegated Growth Regimes After the Keynesian Construction State. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics 46(3), 2022, 465–490.
Journal Article
Die Macht des Wettbewerbs: Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und die Ökonomisierung der Wissenschaft seit den 1990er Jahren. In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 70(2), 2022, 235–271.
Journal Article
Adaptations to Global Changes: Strategic Evolutions of an Elite School, 1961–2011. In: History of Education 51(2), 2022, 286–303.
Journal Article
Lillie, Karen, Lisbeth Matzer, Lilli Riettiens
Power Relations, Preservation and Voice: Introducing the Special Issue on Writing Histories of Education with Autobiographical Materials. In: Paedagogica Historica 58(3), 2022, 321–328.
Journal Article
Banking Crises and the Modern Tax State. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(1), 2022, 29–54.
Journal Article
Neue Quellen der Beratungsforschung: Marvin Bowers "Perspective on McKinsey". In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 70(1), 2022, 89–102.
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