The Geoeconomic Turn in International Political Economy


  • Start: Jan 30, 2025
  • End: Jan 31, 2025
  • Location: Cologne
  • Host: MPIfG
The Geoeconomic Turn in International Political Economy
Global economic relations are undergoing their most significant transformation in decades. Sharpened global rivalries, economic sanctions, interventionist industrial policies, and protectionist trade and investment policies are on the rise. Closely interacting with these trends are the green and digital transitions shaking up global value chain geographies. Economic interdependence, long viewed as a stabilizing force in international politics, is increasingly weaponized. Together, these phenomena gave rise to a now widely recognized "geoeconomic turn." However, we still lack a solid foundation to understand the empirical reality and theoretical implications of this turn. How can we conceptualize the ‘return’ of geoeconomics and map or measure the changes? To what extent does it represent an unwinding or a rewiring of (neoliberal) globalization? Who are the winners and losers of these changes across firms, sectors, and growth models? How does the geoeconomic turn change the balance of power between the US, Europe and China, and between the Global North and South? What kind of policies and strategies are at states’ and economic blocs’) disposal to increase resilience, and position themselves in a geoeconomically fragmented world?
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