Publications of Sebastian Kohl

Journal Article (46)

Journal Article
Rival Views of Economic Competition. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(3), 2022, 937–965.
Journal Article
Is the Left Right? The Creeping Embourgeoisement of Social Democracy through Homeownership. In: European Journal of Political Research 61(4), 2022, 930–951.
Journal Article
Private Spanner in Public Works? The Corrosive Effects of Private Insurance on Public Life. In: British Journal of Sociology 73(4), 2022, 799–821.
Journal Article
The Great De-Mortgaging: The Retreat of Life Insurances From Housing Finance in US-German Historical Perspective. In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 63(1), 2022, 199–231.
Journal Article
Kohl, Sebastian, Alexander Spielau
Centring Construction in the Political Economy of Housing: Variegated Growth Regimes After the Keynesian Construction State. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics 46(3), 2022, 465–490.
Journal Article
Billows, Sebastian, Sebastian Kohl, Fabien Tarissan
Bureaucrats or Ideologues? EU Merger Control as Market‐Centred Integration. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 59(4), 2021, 762–781.
Journal Article
Is More Mittelstand the Answer? Firm Size and the Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. In: Analyse & Kritik 43(1), 2021, 41–70.
Journal Article
Too Much Mortgage Debt? The Effect of Housing Financialization on Housing Supply and Residential Capital Formation. In: Socio-Economic Review 19(2), 2021, 413–440.
Journal Article
Kohl, Sebastian, Jardar Sørvoll
Varieties of Social Democracy and Cooperativism: Explaining the Historical Divergence between Housing Regimes in Nordic and German-Speaking Countries. In: Social Science History 45(3), 2021, 561–587.
Journal Article
Baldenius, Till, Sebastian Kohl, Moritz Schularick
Die neue Wohnungsfrage: Gewinner und Verlierer des deutschen Immobilienbooms. In: ifo Schnelldienst 73(2), 2020, 21–23.
Journal Article
Baldenius, Till, Sebastian Kohl, Moritz Schularick
Die neue Wohnungsfrage: Gewinner und Verlierer des deutschen Immobilienbooms. In: Leviathan 48(2), 2020, 195–236.
Journal Article
Bengtsson, Bo, Sebastian Kohl
Incremental Change in Housing Regimes: Some Theoretical Propositions with Empirical Illustrations. In: Critical Housing Analysis 7(1), 2020, 15–24.
Journal Article
Dobeson, Alexander, Sebastian Kohl
Why Durability Matters? Towards a Comparative Economic Sociology of Market Organization. In: European Journal of Sociology 61(1), 2020, 33–64.
Journal Article
Grothe-Hammer, Michael, Sebastian Kohl
The Decline of Organizational Sociology? An Empirical Analysis of Research Trends in Leading Journals Across Half a Century. In: Current Sociology 68(4), 2020, 419–442.
Journal Article
Kalyukin, Alexander, Sebastian Kohl
Continuities and Discontinuities of Russian Urban Housing: The Soviet Housing Experiment in Historical Long-Term Perspective. In: Urban Studies 57(8), 2020, 1768–1785.
Journal Article
The Political Economy of Homeownership: A Comparative Analysis of Homeownership Ideology through Party Manifestos. In: Socio-Economic Review 18(4), 2020, 913–940.
Journal Article
Van Gunten, Tod S., Sebastian Kohl
The Inversion of the "Really Big Trade-Off": Homeownership and Pensions in Long-Run Perspective. In: West European Politics 43(2), 2020, 435–463.
Journal Article
Historicizing Housing Typologies: Beyond Welfare State Regimes and Varieties of Residential Capitalism. In: Housing Studies 34(2), 2019, 298–318.
Journal Article
Varieties of Economization in Competition Policy: Institutional Change in German and American Antitrust, 1960–2000. In: Review of International Political Economy 26(2), 2019, 256–286.
Journal Article
Kholodilin, Konstantin, Sebastian Kohl
Verdrängung oder Sozialpolitik? Einfluss von Regulierungen auf die Wohneigentumsquote. In: Wirtschaftsdienst 99(5), 2019, 363–366.
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