Publications of Sebastian Kohl

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (3)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Competition. In: Frederick F. Wherry, Juliet B. Schor (eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, Vol. 1: A-C. 2015, 438–441.
Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Contracts. In: Frederick F. Wherry, Juliet B. Schor (eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, Vol. 1: A-C. 2015, 448–450.

Contribution to a Handbook (1)

Contribution to a Handbook
Rentier and Homeowner Cities: A Long-Run Comparative History of Urban Tenure. In: Miguel A. Martínez (ed.), Research Handbook on Urban Sociology. Research Handbooks in Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, 99–110.

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Homeowner Nations or Nations of Tenants: How Historical Institutions in Urban Politics, Housing Finance and Construction Set Germany, France and the US on Different Housing Paths. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2014.

Book Review (6)

Book Review
[Rezension] Zauberformel Wettbewerb und Innovation: Aghion, Philippe; Antonin, Céline; Bunel, Simon (eds.): Le pouvoir de la destruction créatrice: Innovation, croissance et avenir du capitalisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2020). In: Soziopolis, 2021.
Book Review
[Book Review] Fuller, Gregory W.: The Political Economy of Housing Financialization (New York: Agenda Publishing, 2019). In: International Journal of Housing Policy 20(1), 2020, 173–175.
Book Review
[Rezension] Herrschaftslehren des Kapitals: Piketty, Thomas: Capital et idéologie (Paris: Édition du Seuil, 2019). In: Soziopolis, 2019.
Book Review
[Book Review] Meen, Geoffrey; Gibb, Kenneth; Leishman, Chris; Nygaard, Christian: Housing Economics: A Historical Approach (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). In: Housing, Theory and Society 34(3), 2017, 376–378.
Book Review
[Critique de livre] Cochoy, F. (ed.): Du lien marchand: Comment le marché fait société (Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2012). In: Sociologie du Travail 56(3), 2014, 397–399.
Book Review
[Book Review] Münnich, Sascha: Interessen und Ideen: Die Entstehung der Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland und den USA (Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2010). In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 14(2), 2013, 77–79.

Blog Post (3)

Blog Post
Amaral, Francisco, Martin Dohmen, Sebastian Kohl, Moritz Schularick
Interest Rates and the Spatial Polarisation of Housing Markets. In: VoxEU Blog, 2023.
Blog Post
Amaral, Francisco, Martin Dohmen, Sebastian Kohl, Moritz Schularick
Housing Returns in Big and Small Cities. In: Federal Reserve Bank of New York Blog Liberty Street Economics, 2022.
Blog Post
Promises and Lost Illusions of the Political Homeownership Dream. In: ASA Blog Work in Progress, 2018.

Other (1)

Home Ownership Is Not only Personal But Political. In: 360info, May 31, 2023.

Data Publication (4)

Data Publication
Kohl, Sebastian, Florian Müller, Konstantin Kholodilin
Replication Data: The Rise and Fall of Social Housing. Harvard Dataverse, May 23, 2023.
Data Publication
Amaral, Francisco, Martin Dohmen, Sebastian Kohl, Moritz Schularick
Data and Code for: Interest Rates and the Spatial Polarization of Housing Markets. openICPSR, April 29, 2023.
Data Publication
Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl, Artem Korzhenevych, Linus Pfeiffer
Replication Data: The Hidden Homeownership Welfare State: An International Long-Term Perspective on the Tax Treatment of Homeowners. Harvard Dataverse, July 12, 2022.
Data Publication
Entwicklung von Wohneigentum und Gesellschaft: Historische und vergleichende Perspektiven, 1920 (1950) -2015. GESIS Data Archive, 2018.

Magazine Article (2)

Magazine Article
Der Mittelstand als Retter des demokratischen Kapitalismus?. In: Makronom, 2021.
Magazine Article
Eine kleine Geschichte der Eigenheimidee: Von ursprünglich konservativer Sozialpolitik zum Sprengstoff in Hauspreis- und Kreditblasen. In: Gesellschaftsforschung, 2, 2017, 8–11.
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