Publications of Kathleen Ann Thelen

Contribution to a Collected edition (23)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyond Comparative Statics: Historical Institutional Approaches to Stability and Change in the Political Economy of Labor. In: Glenn Morgan, John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, Richard Whitley (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 41–61.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Institutional Change in Varieties of Capitalism. In: Bob Hancké (ed.), Debating Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 251–272.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. In: Bob Hancké (ed.), Debating Varieties of Capitalism: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, 95–131.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Skill Formation and Training. In: Geoffrey Jones, Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Business History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, 558–580.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Thelen, Kathleen Ann, Pepper D. Culpepper
Institutions and Collective Actors in the Provision of Training: Historical and Cross-National Comparisons. In: Karl Ulrich Mayer, Heike Solga (eds.), Skill Formation: Interdisciplinary and Cross-National Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 21–49.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Institutions and Social Change: The Evolution of Vocational Training in Germany. In: Ian Shapiro, Stephen Skowronek, Daniel Galvin (eds.), Rethinking Political Institutions. New York [u.a.]: New York University Press, 2006, 135–170.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Institutionen und Sozialer Wandel: Die Entwicklung der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland. In: Jens Beckert, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Anke Hassel, Philip Manow (eds.), , Transformationen des Kapitalismus: Festschrift für Wolfgang Streeck zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Schriften aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2006, 399–423.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Introduction: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. In: Wolfgang Streeck, Kathleen A. Thelen (eds.), Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 1–39.

Journal Article (17)

Journal Article
Foster, Chase, Kathleen A. Thelen
Brandeis in Brussels? Bureaucratic Discretion, Social Learning, and the Development of Regulated Competition in the European Union. In: Regulation & Governance 18(4), 2024, 1083–1103.
Journal Article
Busemeyer, Marius R., Kathleen A. Thelen
Institutional Sources of Business Power. In: World Politics 72(3), 2020, 448–480.
Journal Article
Culpepper, Pepper D., Kathleen A. Thelen
Are We All Amazon Primed? Consumers and the Politics of Platform Power. In: Comparative Political Studies 53(2), 2020, 288–318.
Journal Article
Rahman, K.Sabeel, Kathleen A. Thelen
The Rise of the Platform Business Model and the Transformation of Twenty-First-Century Capitalism. In: Politics & Society 47(2), 2019, 177–204.
Journal Article
The American Precariat: U.S. Capitalism in Comparative Perspective. In: Perspectives on Politics 17(1), 2019, 5–27.
Journal Article
Transitions to the Knowledge Economy in Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands. In: Comparative Politics 51(2), 2019, 295–315.
Journal Article
Regulating Uber: The Politics of the Platform Economy in Europe and the United States. In: Perspectives on Politics 16(4), 2018, 938–953.
Journal Article
Ibsen, Christian Lyhne, Kathleen A. Thelen
Diverging Solidarity: Labor Strategies in the New Knowledge Economy. In: World Politics 69(3), 2017, 409–447.
Journal Article
Teele, Dawn Langan, Kathleen A. Thelen
Gender in the Journals: Publication Patterns in Political Science. In: PS: Political Science & Politics 50(2), 2017, 433–447.
Journal Article
Teuber, Silvia, Paul Ryan, Kathleen A. Thelen, Karin Wagner
Duale Ausbildung und Personalpolitik: So gleich und doch so fremd?. In: Die Betriebswirtschaft 71(3), 2011, 217–234.
Journal Article
Palier, Bruno, Kathleen A. Thelen
Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany. In: Politics & Society 38(1), 2010, 119–148.
Journal Article
SASE Annual Meeting 2009, Paris, France: Economic Regulation and Social Solidarity: Conceptual and Analytic Innovations in the Study of Advanced Capitalism. In: Socio-Economic Review 8(1), 2010, 187–207.
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