Publications of Lucio Baccaro

Working Paper (25)

Working Paper
Civil Society, NGOs, and Decent Work Policies: Sorting Out the Issues. IILS Discussion Paper 127. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 2001.
Working Paper
Il sistema italiano di concertazione sociale: Problemi aperti e prospettive di evoluzione. Working PaperCleveland, OH: Weatherhead School of Management, 1999.
Working Paper
Baccaro, Lucio, Richard M. Locke
Public Sector Reform and Union Participation: The Case of the Italian Pension Reform. Working Paper 3922-96. Cambridge, Mass.: Sloan School of Management, 1996.
Working Paper
Baccaro, Lucio, Richard M. Locke
The End of Solidarity? The Decline of Egalitarian Wage Policies in Italy and Sweden. Working Paper 3899-96. Cambridge, Mass.: Sloan School of Management, 1996.
Working Paper
Locke, Richard M., Lucio Baccaro
Italian Industrial Relations: Searching for a New "National Model". Working Paper 3825-95. Cambridge, Mass.: Sloan School of Management, 1995.
Working Paper
Locke, Richard M., Lucio Baccaro
Pedagogy and Politics in the Italian Union Movement: A Tale of Administrative Failure. Working Paper 3701-94. Cambridge, Mass.: Sloan School of Management, 1994.

Report (1)

Baccaro, Lucio, Chang-Hee Lee
Strengthening Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Republic of Korea. IFP/Dialogue Technical NoteGeneva: International Labour Office, 2003.

Contribution to an Encyclopedia (1)

Contribution to an Encyclopedia
Pontusson, Jonas, Lucio Baccaro
Comparative Political Economy and Varieties of Macroeconomics. In: William R. Thompson (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Politics. April 2020.

Issue (1)

Baccaro, Lucio, Chiara Benassi, Guglielmo Meardi (eds.)
Trade Unions and Democracy: In Memory of Giulio Regeni, 15.1.1988-n.d.2016. Economic and Industrial Democracy, Volume 40(1). 2019.

Editorial (1)

Baccaro, Lucio, Chiara Benassi, Guglielmo Meardi
Theoretical and Empirical Links Between Trade Unions and Democracy. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy 40(1), 2019, 3–19.

Preprint (1)

Strategic Interdependence and Preferences for Debt Mutualization in the Eurozone. In: SocArXiv, April 8, 2021.

Book Review (7)

Book Review
[Recensione] Hirschmann, Albert: Lealtà, defezione, protesta: Rimedi alla crisi delle imprese, dei partiti e dello stato (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2017). In: MicroMega, 2, 2019, 73–79.
Book Review
[Recensione] Le doppie morali della crisi europea: Cesarotto, Sergio: Chi non rispetta le regole? Italia e Germania, le doppie morali dell'euro (Reggio Emilia: Imprimatur, 2018). In: Economia e Politica 10(16), 2018.
Book Review
[Book Review] Avdagic, Sabina; Rhodes, Martin; Visser, Jelle: Social Pacts in Europe: Emergence, Evolution, and Institutionalization (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), 2013, 207–210.
Book Review
Martin, Andrew, Bob Hancké, Lucio Baccaro, Roland Erne
[Book Review] Labour History Symposium: Erne, Roland: European Unions: Labor's Quest for a Transnational Democracy (Ithaca: ILR Press, 2008). In: Labor History 50(2), 2009, 187–216.
Book Review
Baccaro, Lucio, Richard Hyman, Michael J. Piore
[Book Review] Review Symposium: Milkman, Ruth: L.A. Story: Immigrant Workers and the Future of the U.S. Labor Movement (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2006). In: Socio-Economic Review 5(2), 2007, 369–385.
Book Review
[Book Review] Dølvik, Jon Erik (ed.): At Your Service? Comparative Perspectives on Employment and Labour Relations in the European Private Sector Services (Bern: Peter Lang AG, 2001). In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 41(1), 2003, 143–144.
Book Review
[Book Review] Gundle, Stephen: Between Hollywood and Moscow: The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943-1991 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001). In: Political Science Quarterly 117(4), 2002, 703–704.

Newspaper Article (9)

Newspaper Article
Pessimi i nuovi vincoli Ue: Il Parlamento dica di no. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano, February 14, 2024, 12.
Newspaper Article
La cura giusta per l’inflazione è la politica fiscale, non la Bce. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano, July 17, 2023, .
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