New guests in the first quarter of 2022

March 10, 2022

Between January and March 2022, the MPIfG welcomes five visiting researchers to the Institute. David Stark, Columbia University, devoted his stay from January to February to his research topic on networks of cognition in markets and teams. During her stay in February, the research focus of Alison Johnston, Oregon State University, was how bond markets price populist politics. From February to September, Martin Heipertz, Federal Ministry of Finance, will devote his time to historically reconstructing the events and decisions between 2010 and 2015 that were aimed at stabilizing the European monetary union. In March, Ruth Dukes, University of Glasgow, will be spending time at the Institute in connection with her research project on social and legal norms at work, which she is conducting together with Emeritus Director Wolfgang Streeck. Luuk Schmitz, European University Institute, will work from March to July on the political economy of industrial policy in the European Union.

Guests at the MPIfG

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