Scholar in Residence 2025

Matthias Thiemann

Matthias Thiemann is Professor of European Public Policy at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po, Paris.

Matthias Thiemann is a sociologist with close affinities to political economy. Having graduated from Columbia University in 2012, he held a postdoc position at ESSEC Business School before becoming Assistant Professor of the Sociology of Money, Banking and Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt. He has been Professor of European Public Policy at Sciences Po since 2017. His work has been devoted to mainly two topics. On the one hand, he analyzes attempts by financial regulators in Europe and the US to control the risk-taking behavior of agents in the financial industry – attempts complicated by the fact that these agents gain from evading such control. On the other, Matthias Thiemann investigates post-crisis regulatory changes in the US and Europe, asking why certain ideas that gained prominence post-crisis are translated into policy tools, while others are eschewed by policymakers. Methodologically, he draws on expert interviews and document analysis but also engages in large-N text analysis, such as citation network analysis and topic modeling.

Selected publications


Thiemann, Matthias. 2024. Taming the Cycles of Finance? Central Banks and the Macroprudential Shift in Financial Regulation. Cambridge University Press.

Mertens, Daniel, Matthias Thiemann, and Peter Volberding (eds). 2021. The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford University Press.

Thiemann, Matthias. 2018. The Growth of Shadow Banking: A Comparative Institutional Analysis.  Cambridge University Press.


Coombs, Nathan, and Matthias Thiemann. 2022. Recentering Central Banks: Theorizing State-Economy  boundaries as Central Bank Effects. Economy and Society 51(4), 535–558.

Thiemann, Matthias, Carolina Raquel Melches, and Edin Ibrocevic. 2021. Measuring and Mitigating Systemic Risks: How New Alliances of Central Bank and Academic Economists Forge the Transnational Macroprudential Agenda. Review of International Political Economy .

Thiemann, Matthias, and Jan Lepoutre. 2017. Stitched on the Edge: Rule Evasion, Regulatory Embeddedness, and the Evolution of Markets. American Journal of Sociology 122(6), 1775–1821.

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