MAX CPE: International Online Workshop Series on Comparative Political Economy

January 31, 2025

February 2025 marks the start of the next installments of the MPIfG’s successful MAX CPE series of online workshops on comparative political economy. The series’ monthly 60-minute seminars are an international forum for current research on topics such as comparative capitalism, financialization, inequality, and social policy. Each workshop features a compact 20-minute lecture followed by discussion, a format that encourages intensive debate across geographical borders and maximizes the advantages of the international nature of the forum. Organized by Pálma Polyák, Sinisa Hadziabdic, Dustin Voss, and Lucio Baccaro, the series is committed to methodological and theoretical diversity and especially welcomes early-career researchers and underrepresented groups in the discipline. Papers for the sessions are circulated to registered participants in advance. MAX CPE is an opportunity for interested scholars to become part of a growing network and actively shape dialogue in comparative political economy. The program for the summer semester 2025 includes lectures by Andreas Nölke and Michael Schedelik (Goethe University Frankfurt), Oddný Helgadóttir (Copenhagen Business School), Yuen Yuen Ang (Johns Hopkins University), and Angela Wigger (Radboud University).

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