Scholar in Residence Program

Every year, the MPIfG invites a leading scholar in political economy or economic sociology to spend three to six months in residence at the Institute.

Scholars in Residence are selected by the directors on the basis of an established record of excellence as well as a current research project in an area related to the core interests of researchers at the Institute. Both nominations and direct applications are possible.

Scholars in Residence are paid a stipend of up to 6,000 euros per month. If the Scholar in Residence is on a paid sabbatical, they receive a stipend of 2,500 euros per month to cover local costs and travel. The Scholar in Residence has an office at the Institute and enjoys the full range of MPIfG support services. During their stay, they participate in the intellectual life of the Institute and give a series of three public lectures on a topic of their choice.

The length of a Scholar in Residence stay is flexible and can be decided on an individual basis. It generally begins at the start of the academic year in October. Nominations and applications for the Scholar in Residence program should include a CV and a brief description of the research to be undertaken during a stay at the MPIfG. They should be sent to the MPIfG's managing director by June 1 for the following year

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