Zeitschriftenartikel (77)

Braun, Benjamin, Donato Di Carlo, Sebastian Diessner
Planning Laissez-Faire: Supranational Central Banking and Structural Reforms. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 32(3), 2022, 707–716.
Bremer, Björn, Marius R. Busemeyer
Fiscal Policy Preferences, Trade-Offs, and Support for Social Investment. In: Journal of Public Policy 42(4), 2022, 684–704.
Calvert, Julia, Charlotte Rommerskirchen, Arjen van der Heide
Does Ownership Matter? Claimant Characteristics and Case Outcomes in Investor-State Arbitration. In: New Political Economy 27(5), 2022, 788–805.
Rescaling Social Care Services: The Case of District Municipalities in Istanbul. In: International Social Work 65(1), 2022, 157–171.
How Do Women's GONGOs Influence Policymaking Processes in Turkey?. In: Journal of Civil Society 18(3), 2022, 326–348.
Christensen, Rasmus Corlin, Saila Naomi Stausholm
Når gode råd er dyre: Rådgivermagt og skat i Danmark. In: Økonomi & Politik 95(3-4), 2022, 53–63.
Cini, Lorenzo, Francesca Gabbriellini, Giacomo Gabbuti, Angelo Moro, Benedetta Rizzo, Arianna Tassinari
La lutte des ouvriers de GKN à Florence, entre auto-organisation ouvrière et mobilisation sociale. In: Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 177, 2022, 3–17.
Cini, Lorenzo, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Arianna Tassinari
With or Without U(nions)? Understanding the Diversity of Gig Workers’ Organizing Practices in Italy and the UK. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 28(3), 2022, 341–362.
Reflections on the COVID Moment and Life Beyond Neoliberalism. In: Transfer 28(1), 2022, 31–45.
Dafe, Florence, Sandy Brian Hager, Natalya Naqvi, Leon Wansleben
Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization. In: Politics & Society 50(4), 2022, 523–542.
Governing through Non‐Enforcement: Regulatory Forbearance as Industrial Policy in Advanced Economies. In: Regulation & Governance 16(3), 2022, 930–950.
Dewey, Matías, Kedron Thomas
Futurity Beyond the State: Illegal Markets and Imagined Futures in Latin America. In: Latin American Politics and Society 64(4), 2022, 1–23.
Elsässer, Lea, Lukas Haffert
Does Fiscal Pressure Constrain Policy Responsiveness? Evidence from Germany. In: European Journal of Political Research 61(2), 2022, 374–397.
Rival Views of Economic Competition. In: Socio-Economic Review 20(3), 2022, 937–965.
Frangi, Lorenzo, Sinisa Hadziabdic, Anthony C. Masi
In the Interest of Everyone? Support for Social Movement Unionism among Union Officials in Quebec (Canada). In: Industrial Relations Journal 53(5), 2022, 446–465.
COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs and Vaccination Intentions among Social Media Users. In: Statistics, Politics and Policy 13(3), 2022, 279–296.
Godechot, Olivier, Joanne Horton, Yuval Millo
Executive Pay: Board Reciprocity Counts. In: European Journal of Sociology 63(2), 2022, 165–211.
Godechot, Olivier, Nicolas Woloszko
Villes globales et inégalités: Mondialisation ou financiarisation?. In: Cités, 89, 2022, 67–86.
Unequal Reach: Cyclical and Amplifying Ties Among Agricultural and Oilfield Workers in Texas. In: Work and Occupations 49(1), 2022, 3–44.
Institutionally Embedded Democratic Equalizers: Differential Political Involvement Effects of Voluntary Associations across Language Regions in Switzerland. In: Swiss Political Science Review 28(1), 2022, 21–40.
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