Publikationen der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler

Publikationen von Donato Di Carlo

Beitrag in Sammelwerk (4)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Di Carlo, Donato, Niccolo Durazzi
Skill Formation: Part of and Complement to the Labour Market Policy Mix?. In: Daniel Clegg, Niccolo Durazzi (Hrsg.), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023, 327–342.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Privatization, Crisis, and the Transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. In: Daniel Mertens, Matthias Thiemann, Peter Volberding (Hrsg.), The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 144–171.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
The Political Economy of Public Sector Wage-Setting in Germany and Italy. In: Josef Hien, Christian Joerges (Hrsg.), Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe's Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies. Florence: European University Institute, 2018, 48–62.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Germany Is Quietly Rebalancing Its Economy - But This Will Not Fix the Eurozone's Flaws. In: Josef Hien, Christian Joerges (Hrsg.), Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe's Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies. Florence: European University Institute, 2018, 282–290.

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Braun, Benjamin, Donato Di Carlo, Sebastian Diessner, Maximilian Düsterhöft
Structure, Agency, and Structural Reform: The Case of the European Central Bank. In: Perspectives on Politics, 2024.
Di Carlo, Donato, Andrea Ciarini, Anna Villa
Between Export-Led Growth and Administrative Keynesianism: Italy’s Two-Tiered Growth Regime. In: New Political Economy 29(5), 2024, 733–754.
Di Carlo, Donato, Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Oscar Molina
The New Political Economy of Public Sector Wage-Setting in Europe: Introduction to the Special Issue. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(1), 2024, 5–30.
Di Carlo, Donato, Oscar Molina
Same Same but Different? The Mediterranean Growth Regime and Public Sector Wage-Setting before and after the Sovereign Debt Crisis. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(1), 2024, 31–53.
The Constrained Politics of Local Public Investment Under Cooperative Federalism. In: Socio-Economic Review 21(2), 2023, 1007–1034.
Bürgisser, Reto, Donato Di Carlo
Blessing or Curse? The Rise of Tourism-Led Growth in Europe's Southern Periphery. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 61(1), 2023, 236–258.
Beyond Neo-Corporatism: State Employers and the Special-Interest Politics of Public Sector Wage-Setting. In: Journal of European Public Policy 30(5), 2023, 967–994.
Di Carlo, Donato, Luuk Schmitz
Europe First? The Rise of EU Industrial Policy Promoting and Protecting the Single Market. In: Journal of European Public Policy 30(10), 2023, 2063–2096.
Die sektorale Logik der deutschen Lohnzurückhaltung. In: Sozialer Fortschritt 72(5), 2023, 397–414.
Bürgisser, Reto, Donato Di Carlo
Turismo, volano di crescita del Sud Europa?. In: Il Mulino, 2022.
Bürgisser, Reto, Donato Di Carlo
Tourism in Southern Europe: Potential and Perils. In: Social Europe, 2022.
Braun, Benjamin, Donato Di Carlo, Sebastian Diessner
Planning Laissez-Faire: Supranational Central Banking and Structural Reforms. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 32(3), 2022, 707–716.
Governing through Non‐Enforcement: Regulatory Forbearance as Industrial Policy in Advanced Economies. In: Regulation & Governance 16(3), 2022, 930–950.
Understanding Wage Restraint in the German Public Sector: Does the Pattern Bargaining Hypothesis Really Hold Water?. In: Industrial Relations Journal 51(3), 2020, 185–208.

Forschungspapier (4)

Between Export-Led Growth and Administrative Keynesianism: Italy’s Two-Tiered Growth Regime. MPIfG Discussion Paper 24/8. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2024.
Germany’s Coordinated Policy Response to the Energy Crisis: Shielding the Export-Led Model at all Costs. LUHNIP Working Paper Series 1/2023. Rome: Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy (LUHNIP), 2023.
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