Beitrag in Handbuch (5)
Beitrag in Handbuch
Climate Change. In: , , , (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, 315–329.
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (4)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Food, Classed? Social Inequality and Diet: Understanding Stratified Meat Consumption Patterns in Germany. Doktorarbeit, University of Cologne. Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE, Cologne 2020.
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Women's Political Representation in East-European Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Countries: Macro- and Micro-Level Analysis of the Factors of Election to the National and Regional Legislatures. Doktorarbeit, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Vom Verbände- zum Beraterstaat? Unternehmensberater in der öffentlichen Verwaltung der Bundesrepublik, 1945 bis 2003. Doktorarbeit, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Working Fictions of Money: The Making of Currency (Dis)Trust in Argentina (1880-2020). Doktorarbeit, University of Cologne, Cologne 2020.
Heft (3)
Rona-Tas, Akos (Hrsg.)
Taxing Inequality and Fiscal Sociology. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter, Band 21(2). 2020.
Rona-Tas, Akos (Hrsg.)
Body, Virus, Morals, and Scandals. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter, Band 21(3). 2020.
Rothstein, Sidney A., (Hrsg.)
Imbalance: Germany’s Political Economy After the Social Democratic Century. German Politics, Band 29(3). 2020.Editorial (1)
Taxing Inequality and Fiscal Sociology. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21(2), 2020, 1–2.
Preprint (2)
Public Opinion on Welfare State Recalibration in Times of Austerity: Evidence from Survey Experiments. In: SocArXiv, 16. Juli 2020.
Asset Manager Capitalism as a Corporate Governance Regime. In: SocArXiv, 18. Juni 2020.
Rezension (9)
[Rezension] Staatskapitalismus für die Hochfinanz: Abolafia, Mitchel Y.: Stewards of the Market: How the Federal Reserve Made Sense of the Financial Crisis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020). In: Soziopolis, 2020.
[Rezension] Dommach, Hermann: Hitlers Staatsfinanzen: Der Reichsrechnungshof 1933-1945 (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2019). In: sehepunkte 20(3), 2020.
[Rezension] Von Manchester über Detroit ins Silicon Valley: Boix, Carles: Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads: Technological Change and the Future of Politcs (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019). In: Soziopolis, 2020.
[Rezension] Die strukturellen Ursachen sozialer Ungleichheit: Hartmann, Michael: Die Abgehobenen: Wie die Eliten die Demokratie gefährden (Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2018). In: Soziologische Revue 43(1), 2020, 3–7.
[Book Review] The Opaqueness of Capitalist Markets: Deutschmann, Christoph: Disembedded Markets: Economic Theology and Global Capitalism (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019). In: Socio-Economic Review 18(4), 2020, 1199–1204.
[Book Review] Intellectuals Melancholia: Andersson, Jenny: The Future of the World: Futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post-Cold War Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). In: European Journal of Sociology 61(3), 2020, 414–418.
[Book Review] Rathgeb, Philip: Strong Governments, Precarious Workers: Labor Market Policy in the Era of Liberalization (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018). In: Journal of Social Policy 49(3), 2020, 671–672.
[Book Review] Fuller, Gregory W.: The Political Economy of Housing Financialization (New York: Agenda Publishing, 2019). In: International Journal of Housing Policy 20(1), 2020, 173–175.
[Book Review] Chiapello, Ève; Gilbert, Patrick: Management Tools: A Social Science Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21(3), 2020, 35–36.