Zeitschriftenartikel (1743)

Change in European Societies since the 1970s. In: West European Politics 31(1-2), 2008, 14–39.
What Will Follow the Demise of Privatised Keynesianism?. In: The Political Quarterly 79(4), 2008, 476–487.
Der Morgen danach: Warum wir bereits in der Postdemokratie leben. In: Kulturaustausch 58(3), 2008, 4–7.
Die Finanzmärkte und die Mittelschichten: Der kollektive Buddenbrooks-Effekt. In: Leviathan 36(4), 2008, 501–517.
Technologische Innovationen und sektoraler Wandel: Eingriffstiefe, Adaptionsfähigkeit, Transformationsmuster: Ein analytischer Ansatz. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 37(1), 2008, 42–59.
Musik per Download. In: Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik 53(6), 2008, 115–117.
Das Internet und die Transformation der Musikindustrie: Rekonstruktion und Erklärung eines unkontrollierten Wandels. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 18(3), 2008, 344–369.
Musikkonzerne: Lost in Cyberspace. In: Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik 53(12), 2008, 103–105.
25 Jahre kommerzielle Gentechnik. In: Soziale Technik, 2, 2008, 10–12.
The Rise of the Comprador Service Sector: The Politics of State Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Polish Sociological Review 2 (162), 2008, 175–189.
The Investment-Promotion Machines: The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment Promotion in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Europe-Asia Studies 60(2), 2008, 197–225.
Who Won the Contest for a New Property Class? Structural Transformation of Elites in the Visegrád Four Region. In: Journal for East European Management Studies 13(4), 2008, 360–377.
Elfenbein, Hillary Anger, Jared R. Curhan, Noah Eisenkraft, Aiwa Shirako, Lucio Baccaro
Are Some Negotiators Better Than Others? Individual Differences in Bargaining Outcomes. In: Journal of Research in Personality 42(6), 2008, 1463–1475.
Fine, Gary Alan, Brooke Harrington, Sandro Segre
Politics in the Public Sphere: The Power of Tiny Publics in Classical Sociology. In: Sociologica 4(1), 2008, 1–20.
Taxation and Democracy in the EU. In: Journal of European Public Policy 15(1), 2008, 58–77.
The Grey Vote: Determinants of Older Voters' Party Choice in Britain and West Germany. In: Electoral Studies 27(2), 2008, 285–304.
Reforming the Welfare State in Times of Grey Majorities: The Myth of an Opposition between Younger and Older Voters in Germany. In: German Policy Studies 4(2), 2008, 131–156.
Gourevitch, Peter Alexis, Robert O. Keohane, Stephen D. Krasner, David Laitin, T.J. Pempel, Wolfgang Streeck, Sidney Tarrow
The Political Science of Peter J. Katzenstein. In: Ps: Political Science & Politics 41(4), 2008, 893–899.
Contrasting the Resource-Based View and Competitiveness Theories: How Pharmaceutical Firms Choose to Compete in Germany, Italy and the UK. In: Strategic Organization 6(4), 2008, 343–374.
Rethinking the Link between Labour Market Flexibility and Corporate Competitiveness: A Critique of the Institutionalist Literature. In: Socio-Economic Review 6(4), 2008, 637–669.
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