Forschungspapier (693)

Normative Social Influence on Meat Consumption. MPIfG Discussion Paper 20/1. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2020.
The Ambiguous Consensus on Fiscal Rules: How Ideational Ambiguity Has Facilitated Social Democratic Parties’ Support of Structural Deficit Rules in the Eurozone. MaxPo Discussion Paper 20/4. Paris: MaxPo, 2020.
Ferragina, Emanuele, Andrew Zola
An Obituary for Austerity Narratives? An Experimental Analysis of Public Opinion Shifts and Class Dynamics during the Covid-19 Crisis. MaxPo Discussion Paper 20/5. Paris: MaxPo, 2020.
Godechot, Olivier, Paula Apascaritei, István Boza, Lasse Henriksen, Are Skeie Hermansen, Feng Hou, Naomi Kodama, Alena Křížková, Jiwook Jung, Marta Elvira, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Halil Sabanci, Max Thaning, Nina Bandelj, Alexis Baudour, Dustin Avent-Holt, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela, Zoltán Lippényi u. a.
The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries. MaxPo Discussion Paper 20/3. Paris: MaxPo, 2020.
Kaczmarczyk, Patrick
Growth Models and the Footprint of Transnational Capital. MaxPo Discussion Paper 20/2. Paris: MaxPo, 2020.
Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl
Does Social Policy through Rent Controls Inhibit New Construction? Some Answers from Long-Run Historical Evidence. DIW Discussion Paper 1839. Berlin: DIW Berlin, 2020.
Blurring Global Epistemic Boundaries: The Emergence of Traditional Knowledge in Environmental Governance. Global Cooperation Research Papers 25. Duisburg: Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research, 2020.
Preunkert, Jenny
Primary Dealer Systems in the European Union. MaxPo Discussion Paper 20/1. Paris: MaxPo, 2020.
Recchi, Ettore, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Mirna Safi, Nicolas Sauger, Jen Schradie, Katharina Tittel, Andrew Zola
Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France. OSC Papers 2020-1. Paris: Sciences Po, 2020.
Vignoli, Daniele, Raffaele Guetto, Giacomo Bazzani, Elena Pirani, Alessandra Minello
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe: Narratives of the Future. DiSIA Working Paper 2020/01. Firenze: Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2020.
Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculative Technologies. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/10. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Competing with Whom? European Tax Competition, the “Great Fragmentation of the Firm,” and Varieties of FDI Attraction Profiles. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/9. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Kohl, Sebastian, Pekka Sagner, Michael Voigtländer
Mangelware Wohnraum: Ökonomische Folgen des Mietpreisbooms in deutschen Großstädten. FGW-Studien: Integrierende Stadtenwicklung 18. Düsseldorf: FGW - Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung, 2019.
Innovation and Precarity: Workplace Discourse in Twenty-First Century Capitalism. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/8. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl, Tobias Niemeyer
Steuerliche Instrumente der Wohneigentumsförderung. DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus 132. Berlin: DIW Berlin, 2019.
Kohl, Sebastian, Pekka Sagner, Michael Voigtländer
[Kurzversion] Mangelware Wohnraum: Ökonomische Folgen des Mietpreisbooms in deutschen Großstädten. FGW-Impulse zur Integrierenden Stadtentwicklung 18. Düsseldorf: FGW - Forschungsinstitut für gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung, 2019.
A Politics of Hope: The Making of Brazil’s Post-Neoliberal New Middle Class. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/7. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Changing Perspectives in Political Economy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/6. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Strong Firms, Weak Banks: The Financial Consequences of Germany’s Export-Led Growth Model. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/5. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Der Brexit und die ökonomische Identität Großbritanniens: Zwischen globalem Freihandel und ökonomischem Nationalismus. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/4. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
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