Journal Article (1743)

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Italie et Royaume-Uni: Les surprises d’une comparaison. In: Critique Internationale, 8, 2000, 121–132.
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The Snakes and Ladders of Twenty-First-Century Trade Unionism. In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 16(1), 2000, 70–83.
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The Quiet Continent: Religion and Politics in Europe. In: The Political Quarterly 71(s1), 2000, 90–103.
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Internationalization and Financial Federalism: The United States and Germany at the Crossroads?. In: Comparative Political Studies 33(3), 2000, 374–405.
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Striking Deals: Concertation in the Reform of Continental European Welfare States. In: Journal of European Public Policy 7(1), 2000, 44–62.
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How Pervasive are Euro-Politics? Effects of EU Membership on a New Member State. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 38(2), 2000, 223–250.
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The Council of the Social Partners? EC Social Policy Between Diplomacy and Collective Bargaining. In: Journal of European Public Policy 7(5), 2000, 705–724.
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Ferrera, Maurizio, Anton Hemerijck, Martin Rhodes
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Zwei Dimensionen der Internationalisierung: Eine empirische Analyse deutscher Großunternehmen. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 52(3), 2000, 500–519.
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Hemerijck, Anton, Maurizio Ferrera, Martin Rhodes
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Hemerijck, Anton, Maurizio Ferrera, Martin Rhodes
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Hohn, Hans-Willy
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