Journal Article (1743)

Journal Article
Europa nach dem Euro: Ökonomische Integration ohne politischen Fortschritt. In: Internationale Politik 53(6), 1998, 39–44.
Journal Article
Commission Activism: Subsuming Telecommunications and Electricity under European Competition Law. In: Journal of European Public Policy 5(1), 1998, 169–184.
Journal Article
When (and How) Do the Commission's Preferences Matter?. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 36(1), 1998, 79–99.
Journal Article
Das Zukunftsmodell: Der Flächentarifvertrag. In: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte 49(1), 1998, 6–18.
Journal Article
Die Festsetzung von Professorengehältern in den USA. In: Soziologie 27(3), 1998, 23–30.
Journal Article
I diritti di cittadinanza in un regime di competizione: il caso dei comitati aziendali europei. In: Inchiesta 28(120), 1998, 14–21.
Journal Article
The Internationalization of Industrial Relations in Europe: Prospects and Problems. In: Politics and Society 26(4), 1998, 429–460.
Journal Article
Gewerkschaften zwischen Nationalstaat und Europäischer Union. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 51(1), 1998, 1–14.
Journal Article
Fünfzehn Jahre Bündnis für Arbeit in den Niederlanden. In: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte 49(10), 1998, 661–668.
Journal Article
Two Cheers for Corporatism, One for the Market: Industrial Relations, Wage Moderation and Job Growth in the Netherlands. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 36(2), 1998, 269–292.
Journal Article
An Institutional Approach to Technology. In: Science Studies 11(1), 1998, 3–18.
Journal Article
Baccaro, Lucio, Richard M. Locke
Reforma do setor público e participação sindical: O caso do sistema de pensão italiano. In: Revista do Serviço Público 48(2), 1997, 123–154.
Journal Article
Vertrag und soziale Gerechtigkeit: Emile Durkheims Theorie der Integration moderner Gesellschaften. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 49(4), 1997, 629–649.
Journal Article
The European Business Lobby. In: Business Strategy Review 8(4), 1997, 17–25.
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Skills-Based Full Employment: The Latest Philosopher’s Stone. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 35(3), 1997, 367–391.
Journal Article
Italy since the 1996 Elections: A Special Case with General Lessons. In: Political Quarterly 68(1), 1997, 23–30.
Journal Article
The Terms of the Neo-liberal Consensus. In: Political Quarterly 68(4), 1997, 352–360.
Journal Article
Un commento al saggio di Simitis. In: Giornale di Diritto del Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali, 76, 1997, 643–648.
Journal Article
Regulatory Competition and International Co-operation. In: Journal of European Public Policy 4(4), 1997, 626–642.
Journal Article
Economic Integration, Democracy and the Welfare State. In: Journal of European Public Policy 4(1), 1997, 18–36.
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