Publikationen von Sebastian Kohl

Zeitschriftenartikel (46)

Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl
Die Regulierung des Wohnungsmarkts hat weltweit zum Siegeszug des Eigenheims beigetragen. In: DIW Wochenbericht, 38, 2019, 701–709.
Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl
Housing Market Regulation Has Contributed to the Worldwide Triumph of Home Ownership. In: DIW Weekly Report, 38, 2019, 345–352.
Kholodilin, Konstantin, Sebastian Kohl
Strenge Regulierung des Mietmarkts kann zulasten der MieterInnen gehen. In: wohnen – ZdW Bayern, 5, 2019, 204–207.
Blackwell, Timothy, Sebastian Kohl
The Origins of National Housing Finance Systems: A Comparative Investigation into Historical Variations in Mortgage Finance Regimes. In: Review of International Political Economy 25(1), 2018, 49–74.
Urban Heritages: How History and Housing Finance Matter to Housing Form and Homeownership Rates. In: Urban Studies 55(16), 2018, 3669–3688.
Breyer, Friedrich, Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Matthias Wrede, Harald Simons, Lars Vandrei, Theresia Theurl, Ralph Henger, Konstantin Kholodilin, Sebastian Kohl
Scheitern der sozialen Wohnungspolitik: Wie bezahlbaren Wohnraum schaffen?. In: ifo Schnelldienst 71(21), 2018, 3–30.
More Mortgages, More Homes? The Effect of Housing Financialization on Homeownership in Historical Perspective. In: Politics & Society 46(2), 2018, 177–203.
Why Housing Studies Still Lacks Social Theory and What to Do about It. In: Housing, Theory and Society 35(2), 2018, 231–234.
Kohl, Sebastian, Alexander Dobeson, Barbara Brandl
Varieties of Agrarian Capitalism: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Rural Economies. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 18(3), 2017, 19–31.
Urban History Matters: Explaining the German–American Homeownership Gap. In: Housing Studies 31(6), 2016, 694–713.
Die deutsche Wohneigentumsquote im Vergleich: Wie Stadt-, Finanz- und Baugeschichte den deutschen Sonderweg erklären. In: Der Immobilienbewerter, 6, 2016, 15–18.
The Power of Institutional Legacies: How Nineteenth Century Housing Associations Shaped Twentieth Century Housing Regime Differences between Germany and the United States. In: European Journal of Sociology 56(2), 2015, 271–306.
Heidegger and Socio-ontology: A Sociological Reading. In: Journal of Classical Sociology 13(4), 2013, 487–508.
Economic Sociology Discovering Economic Geography. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 9(3), 2008, 3–16.
Aspers, Patrik, Sebastian Kohl, Jesper Roine, Philipp Wichardt
An Economic Sociological Look at Economics. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 9(2), 2008, 5–15.
An Economic Sociological Look at Economic Anthropology. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 9(1), 2007, 3–10.

Forschungspapier (23)

Firm Size and Society: The Link Between Firm Size, Job Outcomes, and Political Attitudes. MPIfG Discussion Paper 24/9. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2024.
Kholodilin, Konstantin A., Sebastian Kohl, Florian Müller
Government-Made House Price Bubbles? Austerity, Homeownership, Rental, and Credit Liberalization Policies and the “Irrational Exuberance” on Housing Markets. DIW Discussion Papers 2061. Berlin: DIW Berlin, 2023.
Private Insurance, Public Welfare, and Financial Markets: Alpine and Maritime Countries in Comparative-Historical Perspective. MPIfG Discussion Paper 22/4. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2022.
The Rise and Fall of Social Housing? Housing Decommodification in Long-Run Perspective. MPIfG Discussion Paper 22/3. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2022.
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