Publikationen von Leon Wansleben
Alle Typen
Buch (1)
The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2023.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk (3)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Jenseits der Langeweile: Zentralbanken als Verteilungspolitiker, Erwartungsmanager und Bankiers des Finanzsystems. In: (Hrsg.), , Geldpolitik im Umbruch. Schriftenreihe. Bonn: bpb, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2024, 147–170.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Zentralbanken: Heimliche Protagonisten des staatlichen Schuldenmanagements. In: , , (Hrsg.), Schulden machen: Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2023, 59–72.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
The Assault of Financial Futures on the Rest of Time. In: , (Hrsg.), The Politics of Uncertainty: Challenges of Transformation. Pathways to Sustainability Series. London: Routledge, 2020, 31–44.
Zeitschriftenartikel (12)
Growth Models and Central Banking: Dominant Coalitions, Organizational Sense-Making, and Conservative Policy Innovations at the Bundesbank and Fed. In: Review of International Political Economy 31(1), 2024, 124–148.
Verfallende Infrastruktur bei Rekordeinnahmen: Eine Institutionssoziologie bundesdeutscher Haushaltspolitik. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 34(1), 2024, 103–128.
Leveraging Uncertainty, Market-Power, and Fiscal Opacity: The Growth of Financial Security States. In: European Journal of Sociology 65(2), 2024, 248–280.
Entrepreneurs beyond Neoliberalism: Municipally Owned Corporations and Climate Change Mitigation in German Cities. In: Urban Studies 61(5), 2024, 799–820.
The Constrained Politics of Local Public Investment Under Cooperative Federalism. In: Socio-Economic Review 21(2), 2023, 1007–1034.
, , , Leon Wansleben
Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization. In: Politics & Society 50(4), 2022, 523–542.
Capitalization and its Legal Friends. In: Accounting, Economics, and Law 11(1), 2021, 53–64.
Divisions of Regulatory Labor, Institutional Closure, and Structural Secrecy in New Regulatory States: The Case of Neglected Liquidity Risks in Market‐Based Banking. In: Regulation & Governance 15(3), 2021, 909–932.
How Central Bankers Learned to Love Financialization: The Fed, the Bank, and the Enlisting of Unfettered Markets in the Conduct of Monetary Policy. In: Socio-Economic Review 18(3), 2020, 625–653.
"Ghost in the Machine": Der Staat in Luhmanns Theorie politischer Systeme. In: Soziale Systeme 21(2), 2020, 279–306.
Formal Institution Building in Financialized Capitalism: The Case of Repo Markets. In: Theory and Society 49(2), 2020, 187–213.
Forschungspapier (1)
The Constrained Politics of Local Public Investments under Cooperative Federalism. MPIfG Discussion Paper 21/4. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2021.
Heft (2)
Wansleben, Leon (Hrsg.)
Ecologizing Economic Sociology. Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations, Band 26(1). 2024.
, , , Leon Wansleben (Hrsg.)
The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization. Politics & Society, Band 50(4). 2022.Editorial (2)
Ecologizing Economic Sociology. In: Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations 26(1), 2024, 1–5.