Publikationen von Jenny Andersson
Alle Typen
Buch (1)
The Future of the World: Futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post Cold War Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Sammelwerk (1)
Andersson, Jenny, (Hrsg.)
The Struggle for the Long-term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future. Routledge Approaches to History, Band 11. New York: Routledge, 2015.Beitrag in Sammelwerk (7)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Introduction. In: Jenny Andersson, Olivier Godechot (Hrsg.), , Destabilizing Orders – Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism: Proceedings of the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference Paris, January 12–13, 2018. MaxPo Discussion Paper. Paris: MaxPo, 2018, 1–2.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Arctic Futures: Expectations, Interests, Claims, and the Making of Arctic Territory. In: Jens Beckert, Richard Bronk (Hrsg.), Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 83–101.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Governing Futures: States and the Management of Expectations. In: , (Hrsg.), Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 298–312.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
A Model of Welfare Capitalism? Perspectives on the Swedish Model, Then and Now. In: (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 563–577.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Futures of Mankind: The Emergence of the Global Future. In: , (Hrsg.), The Politics of Globality since 1945: Assembling the Planet. New International Relations. London: Routledge, 2016, 106–125.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Midwives of the Future: Futurism, Futures Studies and the Shaping of the Global Imagination. In: Jenny Andersson, (Hrsg.), The Struggle for the Long-term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future. Routledge Approaches to History. New York: Routledge, 2015, 16–37.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Introduction: Toward a New History of the Future. In: Jenny Andersson, (Hrsg.), The Struggle for the Long-term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future. Routledge Approaches to History. New York: Routledge, 2015, 1–15.
Zeitschriftenartikel (4)
The Future of the Western World: The OECD and the Interfutures Project. In: Journal of Global History 14(1), 2019, 126–144.
OpEd: The Future Factory. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 21(1), 2019, 54–55.
Closing the Future: Environmental Research and the Management of Conflicting Future Value Orders. In: Science, Technology, & Human Values 44(2), 2019, 237–262.
Gouverner le "long terme": La prospective et la production bureaucratique des futurs en France. In: Gouvernement & Action Publique 4(3), 2015, 9–29.
Forschungspapier (1)
Andersson, Jenny, Olivier Godechot (Hrsg.)
Destabilizing Orders - Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism: Proceedings of the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference Paris, January 12–13, 2018. MaxPo Discussion Paper 18/1. Paris: MaxPo, 2018. Rezension (2)
[Book Review] Humans of the World Unite: Rosenboim, Or: The Emergence of Globalism Visions of World Order in Britain and the United States, 1939-1950 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017). In: The Political Quarterly 89(3), 2018, 512–514.
[Book Review] The Power of the Future: Beckert, Jens: Imagined Futures: Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016). In: Socio-Economic Review 15(1), 2017, 255–258.
Magazin-Artikel (1)
Zukunftsszenarien für die Arktis: Klimawandel und wirtschaftliche Erwartungen. In: Gesellschaftsforschung, 1, 2018, 15–16.