Researcher Publications

Publications of Saila Naomi Stausholm

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Stausholm, Saila Naomi, Javier Garcia-Bernardo
Unfollow the Money: Mapping the Micro Agents of International Tax. In: Review of International Political Economy 31(4), 2024, 1197–1219.
Journal Article
Seabrooke, Leonard, Saila Naomi Stausholm
The Firm-Territory Nexus in a Fragmented Economy: Scales of Global Value and Wealth Chain Entanglement. In: Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2023.
Journal Article
Christensen, Rasmus Corlin, Saila Naomi Stausholm
Når gode råd er dyre: Rådgivermagt og skat i Danmark. In: Økonomi & Politik 95(3-4), 2022, 53–63.

Preprint (1)

Garcia-Bernardo, Javier, Saila Naomi Stausholm
Assets in Periphery, Agents in the Core: Mapping the Micro Structures of International Tax Planning. In: SocArXiv, November 25, 2022.

Data Publication (2)

Data Publication
Garcia-Bernardo, Javier, Saila Naomi Stausholm
Data for: Assets in Periphery, Agents in the Core: Mapping the Micro Structures of International Tax Planning. Zenodo, November 25, 2022.
Data Publication
Garcia-Bernardo, Javier, Saila Naomi Stausholm
mapping_professions. OSF, December 15, 2019.
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