Publications of Wolfgang Streeck

Journal Article (124)

Journal Article
Absent Without Leave: The European Union in the Corona Pandemic. In: Ordines 7(2), 2021, 20–31.
Journal Article
Barbera, Filippo, Oriol Estela Barnet, David Bassens, Lavinia Bifulco, Andrew Bowman, Luca Calafati, Joselle Dagnes, Sarah de Boeck, Marta de la Cuesta, Joe Earle, Ewald Engelen, Jessica Ferm, Julie Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal, Ian Rees Jones, John Law, Adam Leaver, Kevin Morgan et al.
¿Qué viene después de la pandemia? Un programa de diez puntos para la renovación fundamental. In: El Trimestre Económico 87(347), 2020, 899–917.
Journal Article
Labour Constitutions and Occupational Communities: Social Norms and Legal Norms at Work. In: Journal of Law and Society 47(4), 2020, 612–638.
Journal Article
The International State System After Neoliberalism: Europe Between National Democracy and Supranational Centralization. In: Crisis and Critique 7(1), 2020, 214–234.
Journal Article
Engels's Second Theory: Technology, Warfare and the Growth of the State. In: New Left Review, 123, 2020, 75–88.
Journal Article
Engels sociologo empirico: Tecnologia, guerra e crescita dello Stato. In: MicroMega, 8, 2020, 215–230.
Journal Article
Reflections on Political Scale. In: Jurisprudence 10(1), 2019, 1–14.
Journal Article
Der alltägliche Kommunismus: Eine neue Ökonomie für eine neue Linke. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 64(6), 2019, 93–105.
Journal Article
Progressive Regression: Metamorphoses of European Social Policy. In: New Left Review, 118, 2019, 117–139.
Journal Article
Sorge, Arndt, Wolfgang Streeck
Diversified Quality Production Revisited: Its Contribution to German Socio-Economic Performance over Time. In: Socio-Economic Review 16(3), 2018, 587–612.
Journal Article
Europe under Merkel IV: Balance of Impotence. In: American Affairs 2(2), 2018, 162–192.
Journal Article
Between Charity and Justice: Remarks on the Social Construction of Immigration Policy in Rich Democracies. In: Culture, Practice & Europeanization 3(2), 2018, 3–22.
Journal Article
Taking Back Control? The Future of Western Democratic Capitalism. In: Efil Journal of Economic Research 1(3), 2018, 30–47.
Journal Article
From Speciation to Specialization: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection", Charles Darwin. In: Social Research 85(3), 2018, 661–685.
Journal Article
L'Europe sous Merkel IV: Un équilibre de l’impuissance. In: Le débat, 202, 2018, 60–80.
Journal Article
Trump and the Trumpists. In: Inference 3(1), 2017.
Journal Article
The Return of the Repressed. In: New Left Review, 104, 2017, 5–18.
Journal Article
Bundestagswahl: Die Zweifel fressen sich durch. In: Wirtschaftsdienst 97(10), 2017, 682–683.
Journal Article
"Eine grosse Republik". In: NZZ Geschichte, 11, 2017, 6–11.
Journal Article
Crouch, Colin, Donatella della Porta, Wolfgang Streeck
Democracy in neoliberalism?. In: Anthropological Theory 16(4), 2016, 497–512.
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