Prof. emer. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Renate Mayntz
Life and Work
2024 |
Honorary Doctorate, Hertie School |
since 2019 |
Honorary Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) |
2011 |
Verdienstorden des Landes NRW: Order of Merit of North-Rhine Westphalia |
2010 |
Innovationspreis des Landes NRW: Award of the Ministery of Innovation, Science and Research of North-Rhine Westphalia for a researcher's lifework |
2010 |
25 Years Membership in the Max Planck Society |
2008 |
Ernst Hellmut Vits-Preis: Award of the Society for the Advancement of the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Munster (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität zu Münster e.V.) |
2006 |
DGS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie) Lifetime Award for outstanding scientific performance |
2004 |
Bielefeld Science Award, jointly received with Fritz W. Scharpf |
2002 |
Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
2002 |
Honorary Doctorate of the European University Institute in Florence |
1999 |
Prize of the German Schader Foundation |
1997 |
Retirement |
1985 |
Honorary Professorship, University of Cologne |
1985 |
Founding Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne |
1979 |
Honorary Doctorate, University of Paris X – Nanterre |
1977 |
Honorary Doctorate, University of Uppsala |
1974–1980 |
Member of the Senate of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) |
1973–1985 |
Full Professor (Sociology), University of Cologne |
1971–1973 |
Full Professor (Sociology of Organisation), Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften (School of Public Administration), Speyer |
1970–1973 |
Member of the Governmental Commission for the Reform of Public Administration (Studienkommision für die Reform des öffentlichen Dienstrechts) |
1968 |
Theodor Heuss Chair, New School for Social Research, New York |
1966–1970 |
Member of the German Council for Educational Reform |
1965 |
Visiting Professor at FLASCO (Facultad Latino-americana de Ciencias Sociales), Santiago de Chile |
1965–1971 |
Full Professor (Sociology) at the Free University of Berlin |
1964 |
Visiting Professor, University of Edinburgh |
1960–1965 |
Lecturer (Privatdozent, Diätendozentur), Free University of Berlin |
1959–1960 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Columbia University, New York |
1958–1959 |
Fellowship of the Rockefeller Foundation |
1957 |
Habilitation at the Free University of Berlin |
1953–1957 |
UNESCO Institute of Social Research, Cologne |
1953 |
Doctorate in sociology (Dr. phil.), Free University of Berlin |
1950 |
B.A., Wellesley College (USA) |
1947 |
Graduation (Abitur) in Berlin |
The volume of interviews Ordnung und Fragilität des Sozialen: Renate Mayntz im Gespräch, edited by Ariane Leendertz and Uwe Schimank (Campus 2019), contains memoirs and the stages of my academic career.
“When I look back over my road to sociology and compare it with the professional careers of young colleagues who are now becoming professors, then on the one hand it seems more improbable, but at the same time also determined to a greater extent by an inner necessity. I have often sensed something similar among social scientists of my age … a kind of inner kinship that goes beyond all the differences between the ‘schools‘ to which we are assigned.” (Mayntz 1996)
Ordnung und Fragilität des Sozialen
Soziopolis, 29.04.2019 | Ariane Leendertz, Uwe Schimank
"Ich wollte unbedingt in die Forschung"
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 26.04.2019 | Rüdiger Heimlich
Kaube, Jürgen
Renate Mayntz - Verstehen und erklären. In: Gesellschaftsforschung 3/2009. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2009, 21-24.
Biographical and autobiographical essays
Bude, Heinz
Die Soziologen der Bundesrepublik. Merkur 46(520), 1992.