Matías Dewey and Donato Di Carlo Awarded Journal Article Prize

December 15, 2023

The 2023 Journal Article Prize of the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG has been awarded to Matías Dewey and Donato Di Carlo for “Governing through Non-Enforcement: Regulatory Forbearance as Industrial Policy in Advanced Economies” (Regulation & Governance, 2022). The jury’s members, Ulrich Dolata, Armin Schäfer, and Susanne K. Schmidt, praised the authors’ work, describing it as an “important contribution to policy research and political governance theory.” Dewey and Di Carlo show in their paper that forgoing regulation can be a form of industrial policy. Using the example of tax collection in Germany and Italy, they illustrate that regulatory forbearance can take the place of subsidies to support economic sectors or develop innovative companies. The 750-euro prize is awarded annually for the best article by an MPIfG researcher in a peer-reviewed journal. Matías Dewey is a senior researcher at the University of St. Gallen and a former senior researcher at the MPIfG. Donato Di Carlo is a lecturer at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome and managing director of the Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance. He was previously a doctoral researcher at the IMPRS-SPCE and a senior researcher at the MPIfG.

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