MPIfG 2019 Annual Colloquium on digitalization and capitalism

October 30, 2019

The MPIfG’s 12th Annual Colloquium is taking place in Cologne on November 14 and 15, 2019. During the event, researchers and practitioners will explore the challenges of digitalization for individuals and for capitalism. Healthcare, dating, crime prevention, the media, and work – there are few areas of life today that are not affected by digitalization. In the opening talk, Gerd Gigerenzer stresses the continued importance of critical thinking in the digital age and how, if we are to use artificial intelligence appropriately and better control it, we must use our own intelligence wisely. In other talks and panel discussions, Melanie Arntz, Dominik Gerstner, Stefan Kirchner, Oliver Nachtwey, Ulrich Samm, Maria Sapignoli, and Tanja Smolenski join Kostas Gemenis (MPIfG) and Marcin Serafin (head of the Max Planck Partner Group in Warsaw) to explore the transformative effects of technological change and take a critical look at the diverse possibilities of a data-driven society. The Annual Colloquium is a public event hosted jointly by the Institute and the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG.
» Program (PDF)


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