New guests in the first quarter of 2020
The MPIfG welcomed three new visiting researchers to the Institute in January. Kathleen Thelen, Ford Professor of Political Science at MIT and an External Scientific Member of the MPIfG, spent three weeks at the Institute and shared insights into her current research project, “American Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective: US Employers and the Law.” Christopher Smith Ochoa, a doctoral researcher at the NRW School of Governance, also began his three-month research stay at the MPIfG at the beginning of the year. He is working on the public discussion surrounding socioeconomic inequality in Germany. Kai Koddenbrock, Acting Professor of International Political Studies at Witten/Herdecke University, will be at the MPIfG until the end of September 2020. His topic is “The Political Economy of Monetary Dependency: West African Policy Space Compared.”