Forschungspapier (693)

Financial Fraud: A Literature Review. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/5. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Illegal Markets: Boundaries and Interfaces between Legality and Illegality. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/4. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Group Representation for the Working Class? Opinion Differences among Occupational Groups in Germany. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/3. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Porous Borders: The Study of Illegal Markets from a Sociological Perspective. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/2. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Boussard, Valérie, Olivier Godechot, Nicolas Woloszko
How to Make a Deal: The Role of Rankings and Personal Ties in Creating Trust in the M&A Market. MaxPo Discussion Paper 16/3. Paris: MaxPo, 2016.
The Financial Consequences of Mr Draghi? Infrastructural Power and the Rise of Market-Based (Central) Banking. FEPS StudiesBrussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2016.
Systematisch verzerrte Entscheidungen? Die Responsivität der deutschen Politik von 1998 bis 2015: Endbericht. Lebenslagen in Deutschland: Armuts- und Reichtumsberichterstattung der Bundesregierung 5. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, 2016.
L’Alsace-Moselle peut-elle décider des 35 heures? Commentaires sur l’article de Matthieu Chemin et Étienne Wasmer "Using Alsace-Moselle Local Laws to Build a Difference-in-Differences Estimation Strategy of the Employment Effects of the 35-Hour Workweek Regulation in France", Journal of Labor Economics, 2009, vol. 27, n°4, p. 487-524. Notes & Documents de l’OSC 2016-04. Paris: SciencesPo, 2016.
Goerres, Achim, Hayfat Hamidou, Alexander Baudisch, Maximilian Schmelzer, Shari Tegeler, Florian Rabuza
Die soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Herkunft lokaler politischer Eliten in NRW im Jahr 2015: Ergebnisse einer telefonischen Befragung von Mitgliedern aus zehn Gemeinde- und Stadträten: Teil 1 der Studie „Politisches Leben auf kommunaler Ebene in NRW im Jahr 2015“. Social Science Research Network, 2016.
Permanent Budget Surpluses as a Fiscal Regime. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/1. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
Securitisation to the Rescue: The European Capital Markets Union Project, the Euro Crisis and the ECB as "Macroeconomic Stabilizer of Last Resort". FEPS StudiesBrussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2016.
The Power of Weak Interests in Financial Reforms: Explaining the Creation of a US Consumer Agency. MaxPo Discussion Paper 16/1. Paris: MaxPo, 2016.
Economic Discourse and the European Integration of Financial Infrastructures and Financial Markets. MaxPo Discussion Paper 16/2. Paris: MaxPo, 2016.
Erosion of Parliamentary Democracy During the European Financial Crisis. Pademia Research Note Series 13/2016. o.A.: Pademia, 2016.
Maatsch, Aleksandra, Patricio Galella
Parliamentary Oversight of European Security and Defence Policy: A Matter of Formal Competences or the Will of Parliamentarians?. Online Papers on Parliamentary Democracy VI. Pademia, 2016.
Adaptation and Influence: The Schumpeterian Perspective on Business-Politics Relations. Carlo Alberto Notebooks 444. Turin: Collegio Carlo Alberto, 2016.
Exploding Europe: Germany, the Refugees and the British Vote to Leave. SPERI Paper 31. Sheffield: Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute, 2016.
Diskretionäre Wechselkursregime: Erfahrungen aus dem Europäischen Währungssystem, 1979–1998. MPIfG Discussion Paper 15/11. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2015.
Empowered or Disempowered? The Role of National Parliaments during the Reform of European Economic Governance. MPIfG Discussion Paper 15/10. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2015.
Constructing Quality: Producer Power, Market Organization, and the Politics of High Value-Added Markets. MPIfG Discussion Paper 15/9. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2015.
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