Publikationen von Benjamin Braun
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (19)
Fiscal Fault, Financial Fix? Capital Markets Union and the Quest for Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Euro Area. In: Competition & Change 22(2), 2018, 117–138.
From Performativity to Political Economy: Index Investing, ETFs and Asset Manager Capitalism. In: New Political Economy 21(3), 2016, 257–273.
Gross, Greed, and ETFs: The Case for a Microfounded Political Economy of the Investment Chain. In: Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter 17(3), 2016, 6–12.
Speaking to the People? Money, Trust, and Central Bank Legitimacy in the Age of Quantitative Easing. In: Review of International Political Economy 23(6), 2016, 1064–1092.
Preparedness, Crisis Management and Policy Change: The Euro Area at the Critical Juncture of 2008–2013. In: British Journal of Politics and International Relations 17(3), 2015, 419–441.
Governing the Future: The European Central Bank’s Expectation Management During the Great Moderation. In: Economy and Society 44(3), 2015, 367–391.
Why Models Matter: The Making and Unmaking of Governability in Macroeconomic Discourse. In: Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, 7, 2014, 48–79.
Forschungspapier (7)
Firm Foundations: The Statistical Footprint of Multinational Corporations as a Problem for Political Economy. MPIfG Discussion Paper 21/5. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2021.
Central Banking Beyond Inflation. Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende, 2021.
Strong Firms, Weak Banks: The Financial Consequences of Germany’s Export-Led Growth Model. MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/5. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2019.
Fiscal Fault, Financial Fix? Capital Markets Union and the Quest for Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Euro Area. MPIfG Discussion Paper 17/21. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2017.
Two Sides of the Same Coin? Independence and Accountability of the European Central Bank. Transparency International EU, 2017.
Speaking to the People? Money, Trust, and Central Bank Legitimacy in the Age of Quantitative Easing. MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/12. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2016.
The Financial Consequences of Mr Draghi? Infrastructural Power and the Rise of Market-Based (Central) Banking. FEPS StudiesBrussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2016.
Bericht (3)
Under New Management: Share Ownership and the Growth of UK Asset Manager Capitalism. Common Wealth, 2021.
Against Amnesia: Re-Imagining Central Banking. CEP Discussion Notes 2020/1. Zurich: Council on Economic Policies (CEP), 2020.
Vanishing Act: The Eurogroup’s Accountability. Transparency International EU, 2019.
Beitrag in Handbuch (1)
Beitrag in Handbuch
Central Banking, Shadow Banking, and Infrastructural Power. In: , , (Hrsg.), The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, 2020, 241–252.
Heft (2)
Braun, Benjamin, , (Hrsg.)
Rethinking Agency in International Relations. Journal of International Relations and Development, Band 22(4). 2019.
Braun, Benjamin, , Marina Hübner (Hrsg.)
Governing through Financial Markets: Towards a Critical Political Economy of Capital Markets Union. Competition & Change, Band 22(2). 2018.